The ABCs of youth, or children's wardrobe c rob use

The ABCs of youth, or children's wardrobe c rob use
 Childhood and youth will not return, alas, short-lived. Meanwhile, the bright colors and at the same time, of course, if you select parts of clothes, always makes a woman younger and more attractive.

How do sometimes want to go back to those blessed days when all the wrongs forgotten within a few minutes, it seemed that the sun shines even when the sky is overcast. The main thing in a child - not even too attractive from the side - the ability to find joy and happiness in the simplest and most ordinary things. Maybe try to regain at least for a moment, long-forgotten sense of naturalness and spontaneity and listed in your wardrobe, weighed solid toilets and accessories, school elements of romance?

Garment little girls recognized as items of clothing - sleeveless. Probably partly due to the fact that the T-shirts - pet clothing obnoxious boys. With age, you realize that this garment is worthy to wear it, for example, over the blouse, which, combined with trousers or jeans gives the woman youthful lightness.

Strict office dress code does not imply, of course, wearing colorful robes and free. Bohemian little things that are so popular with many teenage girls, best left to carry on vacation. But working clothes dark colors can be somewhat refresh, wearing, for example, blouse and skirt of the same color, but different in texture fabric, adding to dress the part that attracts attention - wooden beads or a necklace of large stones of various shapes.

The most famous designers also not alien youthful romance and returned to the female wardrobe pride each schoolgirls - a big bow on her blouse or dress, gives a fresh and unique elegance strict lines everyday attire. Bow, tied loosely around his neck, hides flaws age and focuses on the chest.

Little girls and adolescent girls in all ages love to wear my mother's jewelry. Now no one will scold you for what you got into the casket with jewelry and jewelry, so you can safely carry not only the usual kits, but also multi-layered beads, color matched, massive rings with large stones and bracelets jingling chains.

The most favorite as a child my mother's wardrobe accessory - a hat. Growing up, many women somehow refuse to wear hats that are traditionally considered to be the leading element in the wardrobe of a true lady. And in vain! Choose a hat - or wide-soft felt, more tailored to the male way - and you will feel like a queen!

Tags: benefits, alphabet, youth, wardrobe