From what to wear knitted tights

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 Today in fashion femininity. This is not surprising, because in the stores today meets a lot of variety of skirts, dresses, tunics, sundresses. Any color, size, shape, matter - all this open space experiments and trials. In addition to the usual elements of clothes, our wardrobes are also actively gaining and unusual items that we have to learn how to wear, such as knitted tights.

Of course, to call this clothing brand new and revolutionary impossible. However, for most it is associated more with the children's age when caring parents and grandparents actively insulate us in all possible ways. And including causing wear (for some reason necessarily prickly, biting and size) knitted tights. Today, however, this image has long been obsolete, and podiums decorated knitted tights, no way resembles its predecessors dull. This elegant wardrobe items that should be in every fashionista and preferably several copies with different pattern, color and density.

From what to wear knitted tights? It turns out, the answer both simple and complex. Its simple part is that they can be worn with almost everything from the warm winter boots and sweaters and ending with light sandals. Yes, because today you can buy and summer knitted tights, openwork mesh which will not feel the heat from the summer sun. By the way, there's a trick for fashionistas who do not want to give up the option of elegant summer and winter tights: they can be worn over ordinary transparent tights. Even the most observant person will not notice a dirty trick!

What is the difficulty? In the sense of proportion. Here is one of the common mistakes: too warm to wear knitted tights with too light clothing - for example, a summer sundress. Reverse option - light summer tights with winter clothes more appropriate. The same goes for shoes. Also, do not combine different options for patterns or prints. If you are not confident in their ability to pick up things to each other, it is better to introduce a rule: pattern may have only one thing in the dress, the rest should be self-colored. Trying to combine colors, avoid overly aggressive solutions. There may be the best help fashion magazines with them, you'll see how different shades look together.

The last thing it should be recalled, due to the great love of the fair sex to knit tights white: Be careful when choosing the subject of clothes, because the white color sure you add a few centimeters in size. But do not be avoided and, quite competently to build a proportion so as not to run into this problem. And most importantly - experiment! The only way you can understand what is really right for you.

Tags: tights, wardrobe