Dress in the style of country music!

Dress in the style of country music!
 Fans of country style is extraordinary and sensitive people who wear helps to plunge into the world of dreams and fantasies. In the clothing style of the country used soft shades of brown, gray and beige. Choose for yourself this style is not afraid to seem ridiculous in the eyes of others, most of whom are accustomed to dress under the influence of changing fashion and stupid.

In the early seventies of the last century in the clothing style of the country appears. This occurs after the representatives of street and professional fashion, begin to interact with each other. The basis for a new style of fashion images are taken of European colonizers wild west, appeared in America in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Most of them were residents of small towns and villages, in clothes that reflect their village life.

In our time in the models clothes should not look for echoes of the old days or full compliance with elements of folk costumes. Working in this style designers intentionally mixed urban and rural styles, as well as "confused" between a number of historic cultures and eras. Designers make clothes elements of rural life, leaving the clothes are stylish and beautiful city.

Forming of the country was to the sound of the banjo and the first time was associated with the clothing of people with the Wild West and the cultural traditions of the inhabitants of Old England. Unattractive appearance, country for many decades remains one of the most interesting stylistic trends of contemporary fashion. In many ways, country style owes its longevity youth, which casts doubt on many of the advantages of the present.

Country Music is often compared with casual clothes or clothes for the rest. But unlike all the usual sportswear, country style does not carry a hint of sport, but rather promotes a point of view that should rest not only the body but the soul. In the country there is not that aggressive, which can be observed in clothing for outdoor activities. Clothing in country style is a sentimental and romantic view of life in harmony with nature.

Tags: style, country