Heel height is set

Heel height is set
 It's hard to imagine a modern fashionista without shoes with heels. They are worn for several centuries, but not everyone knows that the original high heel was the prerogative of men. Women won the right long after wearing these shoes and continue to pay the price of health problems. To combine fashion trends and not to harm the legs and spine, when wearing shoes with heels must comply with certain rules.
 The first woman to such a fashion shoes introduced Catherine de Medici. After it and other affluent segments of the population started to wear these shoes. Peasants it was beyond their means, and to work in such shoes were not too comfortable.

Heel height is significant: it transforms a woman, making her taller and slimmer, visually concealing extra pounds. In addition, the heel makes walking more elegant. The lack of stability can not walk well or quickly, and to maintain the balance necessary to shake the hips. All this gives sexuality, adding confidence.

Over the years, changing styles, but the heel height remained the same. Modern fashion tolerant and allows you to wear any model. Not forbidden shoe heels for a classic suit, and not just use them in conjunction with an evening dress. Heel shape may be different, the more its size, the more stable shoes.

But before you pick up shoes for everyday wear, it is desirable to recall the recommendations of health professionals. Despite the fact that the official medical diagnoses associated with wearing shoes with high rise, there is no load on the foot is huge. The optimum height of the heel, physiologically suitable for the feet, equal to two or three centimeters. The higher the heel, the more weight is kept fingers and the front part of the foot.

Therefore, the right heel height for active movement and everyday wear should not be too high. It is best to leave such shoes for evening out or wear shoes with heels no longer than four hours per day, provided that each hour will present an opportunity to take off her shoes and feet to rest. This can help in easy gymnastics, restoring blood circulation in all areas of the foot.

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