Damage high heels

Damage high heels
 Shoes with high heels makes women irresistible gait, emphasizes the beauty of the legs, and the girls are not very tall in her own salvation. Indeed, thanks to the hairpin desyatisantimetrovymi they become taller and slimmer. But, despite all these positive aspects, the constant wearing such shoes can provoke health problems. And sooner or later you will feel the harm of high heels.

Firstly, high-heel shoes koordinalno changing the load distribution on the foot, as a result of the natural center of gravity is shifted. Consequently, the footsteps fall very hard, approximately 5-6 times higher than normal. This is because if the tendons are blocked and can not conserve energy for the next step.

Second, high heels negatively affect your posture and spine, change the angle of inclination, because women prefer these shoes have to endure eternal pain in his back.

Third, in addition to the feet and spine are affected knees, because the load is increased and they are, therefore, the constant wearing shoes with heels higher than 2-3 centimeters, can cause dangerous diseases such as varicose veins or arthritis, and it is not given the increased risk of dislocation . In general, high heels can become even cause disability.

Fourth, another disadvantage of this beautiful but dangerous footwear is a gradual loss of normal blood supply vessels of the spine and other organs are reduced, the nerves are infringed and eventually organs do not get the required amount of blood. It is fraught with the fact that women are constantly wearing high heels, often have headaches. It also helps to reduce the active brain activity, concentration and decision-making, requiring concentration and complex analytics.

Most at risk are those huge fashionista who prefer extreme heel height of 10-12 centimeters. Wearing such shoes or sandals can cause the appearance on the big toe of original cones, called bursitis. These growths are not only detracts from the appearance of women's feet, but require careful treatment in the clinic.

Shoes with high heels - it is certainly nice, but if you want to maintain your health as long as possible, do not abuse it. Shoes these shoes several times a month on solemn occasions and for everyday wear, use simple and convenient model.

Tags: foot, heel height, load, damage