How to stretch shoes

How to stretch shoes
 New shoes can cause a lot of trouble and discomfort to the owner. Calluses and corns will cause excruciating pain every time now, any shoes will be worn on the foot. You can avoid this trouble, if you just stretch the tight shoes.
 Usually two to three weeks of daily wear shoes, wearing the tight toe, enough that they just stretched his leg and took its shape. To expedite this process, lubricate leather shoes some fat and not waiting, remove it with a cloth or tissue. Then apply the shoe polish. The skin becomes soft and supple.

Treat the surface and inside of the shoe castor oil. Put on your feet or terry wool socks and a half to two hours break in shoes. Pre-seal all the problem areas on the foot patch.

At night, put the shoes in a dry place away from heaters, inserting spacers (stretching). Put them inside the shoe and adjust the length and height by turning the lever.

Leather shoes will form the legs, if the skin is softened considerably. This can be achieved if splash into the shoes a little boiling water, soak them over the entire inner surface. By doing this, wear shoes with wool or terry socks and so on go home. At night, do wrap boots soaked in boiling water with a cotton cloth. After wrapping lubricate shoes or castor oil and so leave overnight.

In order not to waste time on raznashivanie shoes, give them in a shoe shop, where they were stretched using special equipment and suitable means. Or use special extensions in the form of sprays and foams. Shaking the contents spray, spray tool across the surface and, if necessary, the inside of the shoe. Then put them and break in at least half an hour. Repeat this procedure every day and very soon you will notice that the shoes have become well "sit" on his feet and stopped to cause discomfort.

If shoes are pressed only in the heel, heel treat alcohol, kerosene or paraffin, rubbed ordinary candle. After that, wear shoes and break in. Softened skin will soon cease to push and take the desired shape.

Tags: Stretching, shoes, shoes