From what to wear rubber boots

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 In inclement rainy weather, so when you do not want to spoil her modeling shoes and wet feet, to help women come metropolis rubber boots. At the moment, their choice is quite large. But the question remains to what they still should be worn, not to remind anglers, but rather to remain stylish and feminine.

From what to wear rubber boots? How to combine style and comfort? These issues concern many unsophisticated fashion women and girls.

Many of them believe that the rubber boots - it's either for young children or for the elderly. However, it is not. The current fashion is that combines comfort and style.

Rubber boots have fashionable is not the first season. Currently, shoe shops just full of different colors and design of boots. But that still did not lose their femininity and stay stylish, it is necessary to know how and what they should be properly worn.

Rubber boots are perfectly combined with jeans. But to wear them with jeans, you need to calculate the width of the shaft: its scope should be comparable to the width of trouser leg.

Thus, if you wear jeans narrowed down, then the boots need to pick themselves not with a wide top. Conversely, wide leg jeans by no climbs into a narrow boots, and if they climb, then look it will not aesthetically pleasing.

With rubber boots and skirt can be worn, only it needs to be the A-shaped silhouette and its length - up to the middle of the knee.

If you prefer colorful boots with colorful ornaments, then it is they who must take the main focus of your image, otherwise you risk to be like a parrot.

The maximum that you can afford in this case - is to add any accessory, such as a large bracelet, scarf or neckerchief. But the most daring ladies this season still allowed to wear with these boots, coat or cloak of non-traditional colors.

Great with rubber boots will look nonclassical coat or trench coat solid color. Do not be afraid of rubber boots, let them become for you a wonderful accessory.

Tags: boot