Strengthening teeth products

Strengthening teeth products
 Beauty and dental health directly reflects the behavior of each individual. It should be noted that allows more beautiful smile and smile more often, raising himself and people around mood.

Of course, dental health is entirely in the hands of man, as he should visit the dentist regularly, to comply with hygiene rules, carefully treat your teeth. There is also a list of products, the use of which has a positive effect on the health of the teeth.

First of all, the products for strengthening teeth should be sufficiently rigid (eg, carrots, apples, cucumbers), which allows not only to enrich the structure of the tooth useful trace elements and vitamins, but also improve the blood circulation in the gums. Thus, hard vegetables and fruits and massaging the gums to stimulate salivation constant, which has disinfectant properties.

Also beneficial for dental health affects greens (lettuce, dill, parsley, celery), which is useful not only for them but also for the whole organism. Trace elements contained in green plants, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the likelihood of bleeding gums. In addition, the juice of green onions and parsley has a whitening effect and eliminates bad breath.

Juice many berries (cranberries, currants, strawberries) has antimicrobial effects, so is used for the prevention of dental caries. Grapes are able to eliminate the appearance and proliferation of harmful microbes in the mouth. Berry juice is rich in organic acids, calcium, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, iron etc.

Various nuts have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, so can reduce the pain threshold when a toothache. Walnut cedar promotes bone formation and maintenance of teeth, normalizes blood clotting. Almond improves the condition of your teeth and gums and reduces pain in spastic phenomena.

Dairy products contain large amounts of calcium which is required for the formation and improving dental health. Dairy products containing lactic acid best absorbed by the human body, so the bone is preserved for a long time.

These and many other products can not only improve the appearance of teeth, but also the internal structure of the tooth. As a result, the daily administration of the list of products to improve not only the condition of the teeth, but also overall health.

Tags: tooth, product, health, smile, strengthening