Natural Vitamins for Eye

Natural Vitamins for Eye
 Healthy food, a variety of natural products provide intake of vitamins to all organs of man. For eye health, maintenance of essential vitamins and minerals. Not always deliver products enough vitamins for the prevention of eye diseases. Provide individual recommendations for changing diets beneficial for vision and prescribe complex vitamins can ophthalmologist.
 Natural products - loyal aides in improving eye and disease prevention. For example, vitamin A is responsible for the smooth operation of the retina. Its deficiency can cause loss of vision in the dark and in poor lighting, ulcers of the cornea and cataract. To avoid this in the daily diet is recommended to enter carrots, apricots, tomatoes, green onions, butter, dairy products, liver and fish oil.

B vitamins are responsible for the operation of nerve cells that transmit impulses from the retina to the brain. Work nervous tissue is subject to the supply of vitamin B1, or thiamine. B1 disadvantage will lead to a decrease in visual acuity, the formation of glaucoma. Thiamine is found in nuts, vegetables, yeast, meat, corn, millet, honey, liver.

Burst blood vessels - a sign of deficiency of vitamin B2, or riboflavin, indispensable in preventing degeneration of the cornea and anti-fatigue eye. Often eat apples, vegetables (especially green), wheat, yeast.

Natural tranquilizer and a fighter with eye strain, inflammation of the optic nerve and conjunctivitis considered vitamin B6. It comes in an organism with a kernel of corn, cabbage, egg yolk, fish.

And finally, for a full view of the blood supply to meet another group of this vitamin - B12. He found in abundance in grapes, parsley, blueberries, dates, egg yolks, apricots and prunes.

Lack of vitamin C adjusts the process of losing visual acuity, reduced muscle tone and eye leads to fatigue and even bleeding in the eyes. As a consequence, the formation of cataracts. On your desk should be present citrus, currant, wild rose, all kinds of cabbage, peppers, kiwi, carrots, apples, etc.

If the body does not come vitamin D, calciferol or in sufficient quantity, it will inevitably lead to myopia, cramps in the muscles that hold the lens. All in all, then it is necessary to regularly eat the yolk, liver, butter, fish and seafood.

Do not forget about gymnastics for the eyes as well as the operation of the computer or watching TV. See your doctor regularly - to prevent diseases is much easier than to treat them.

Tags: eye product complex vitamin, a disease prevention