How useful balm, almonds and milk?

How useful balm, almonds and milk?
 Melissa, almonds and milk - three completely different product with useful properties. But there is one quality that binds them. It turns out that they all have a wonderful property, being a miracle cure for insomnia!

Unhealthy lifestyle, regular violation of the cause sleeplessness. But strong and healthy sleep is very important for a person, because thanks to him, the body can recover overnight. To prepare for the night's rest is necessary in advance, except for those moments that can ruin the atmosphere of sleep.

Modern people can not do without the main enemies of healthy sleep - caffeinated beverages (which give courage (often they are used, even just before bedtime), stress (inhabitants of megacities to avoid them is almost impossible), and other factors. But what do you do when quite overcome insomnia ?

Respond to this question will help traditional medicine. People have long noted the beneficial properties of some products, which are effective on the body. For example, in the treatment of insomnia can help balm, or almond milk.

Tea with fragrant balm capable of eliminating nervous excitement due to the content in mint whole complex of active biological substances. Soothing sweet drink before bedtime can replace sleeping pills.

A cup of warm milk before going to bed drunk, is a proven tool for the normalization of night sleep, because milk contains beneficial to human amino acids (eg, tryptophan).

The seeds of almonds, like milk, contain essential amino acids tryptophan, which helps to relieve stress and has a relaxing effect on the entire body. Handful of almonds at night - and sound sleep is guaranteed! However, it needs to use only sweet almonds. Bitter almond same can not take more than two grains per day.

In addition to the treatment of insomnia, these products have other beneficial qualities. For example, lemon balm can be used as an antipyretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent. Lemon Mint improves digestion, increases brain function, lowers blood pressure and helps with nervous trembling.

Almond has analgesic effect, helps with abrasions and ulcers in the intestine, improves eyesight and helps in diseases of the throat.

Milk strengthens the immune system, contains many vitamins necessary for normal life. Apply this product for anemia and exhaustion, as well as after an illness, for a quick recovery.

Thus, before you take the pill for insomnia or other disease, is worth considering. After such simple means as almonds, lemon balm and milk can help without causing harm to the body.

Tags: almonds, means, insomnia, milk, property, lemon balm, medicine