Fasting is seen as a way of alternative medicine, but it is not a panacea for all ills. If we generalize the works most authors on the subject, we can distinguish two types of fasting: the so-called "dry" method and system of starvation, in which it is recommended the use of an increasing amount of liquid - namely water.
The most useful is the structured water. It is possible to prepare simple home-made: freezing and thawing. Incidentally, it is assumed that all the fruits and vegetables contain precisely structured water. The same applies shungit water, which is obtained by macerating water on shungitovogo stone (ancient rock close in structure to the anthracite and graphite).
Before you start fasting, a person must decide for himself, and if he needed it, and whether he is ready for this mentally. And most importantly, what exactly he wants to achieve. It is also necessary to consult with your doctor about contraindications.
So you've decided to starve. Prior to this, is strictly prohibited to use the spicy, fatty, fried foods and alcohol. Recommended light vegetable diet, whole grain bread, bran and other foods that contain fiber. This advance will prepare your digestive system and starts to configure it on the other way.
Do not immediately start the long hard methods of fasting. Start with one day. If you correctly set up yourself, walk in the fresh air, thinking only about the good, then that day will be held for you by. Try to limit yourself from contact with food and even with her images.
It is not necessary to warn their relatives, friends that you start a new, healthier life. Perhaps they will try to dissuade you from this and prevent you from starvation. It is believed that a one-day refusal to eat once a week already rebuilds metabolism and heals the body.
Is essential to the proper exit from fasting that lasts often more time than the actual starvation. Out of starvation mainly in dilute non-acidic juices, vegetable broth. If fasting is short, it is suitable for many in and out of starvation on kefir.
Among the "starving" popular three-day, weekly and bi-weekly refusal of food. But they should go slowly and carefully, watching your body and how it reacts to the "phony."
There are also extreme kinds of fasting, which is subject only to people who have a lot of experience in this field. Such species include the 20-40-day fasting and "dry" starvation lasting more than one day. Such methods are usually carried out with specialized institutions under the supervision of medical staff.