Cleanses the body fruit

Cleanses the body fruit
 Fruit - it is not only delicious food, but also good for cleansing the body, because they contain a lot of fiber and pectin, and at the same time, saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. They are the center of cleansing diet, which is preferably carried out periodically.

The body of modern man overwhelmed in consumption of food, more food in the diet, the last pre-processing - semi-finished products, increasing the intake of salt and sugar. In addition, some toxins and xenobiotics gets into our bodies with polluted air and water. Our body is making every effort to get rid of toxins, but their number is increasing every day, as well as the emotional burden on the person. Stress undermines the body's defenses, and the task of each of us - take care of your health and help the body cope with the breeding of toxic substances.

It is for this reason it is necessary to purge the body through a variety of power systems. Very effective in this case fruit cleansing diet. There are several principles that must be respected by practicing it:

- Try to plan a cleansing diet on vacation or a long weekend, as the reaction of the body can be very unexpected, and, in addition, you may receive the fatigue.

- Try to eat as much as possible fresh fruits, those that, as they say, "straight from the tree."

- It is better to eat fruit, which came ripening season.

- Do not eat a piece of fruit for more than three consecutive days, it's hard psychologically, and the body receives only a limited range of essential substances.

- Avoid exposing the fruit to heat treatment or whether it should be minimal. This rule does not apply to baked apples.

- Drink plenty of fluids. At least two liters per day. Water is essential for removing toxins.

- Discard the reception of salt, sugar and alcohol.

- Avoid milk and dairy products.

- Do not eat wheat and products from it, rye, oats and barley at the time of the cleansing diet.

- A useful addition to the fruit diet is boiled rice. It will help to diversify the diet and eliminate toxins.

You can spend as weekly cleaning cycles fruit diet, and use a supported day once a week or once every two weeks.

Tags: body, fruit, diet, cleansing, purification