10 recipes for vigorous morning

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 Can easily get up in the morning only "lark" by nature. The rest have to look for ways of gaining vigor. How to wake up full of energy and for a long time to stay energetic and positive?  
 To ensure a good start to the day, you wake up with high spirits. Rather than jump out of bed, let yourself soak for five minutes and think about something pleasant: for coffee or a beautiful blouse, which is put on in the morning.

Getting out of bed, do the lazy charge. All exercises are performed 10 times. Quickly compress and unclench his fists; compress and uncompress the toes; lift your legs, rotate the "bicycle", and then make a "scissors". To wake up the muscles and stretch. Blood will run through the vessels, and you banish sleep.

It is best to invigorates the smell of coffee. It was his scent, not taste! This conclusion came a group of scientists from Japan. Place the jar next to the bed with coffee beans and open it in the morning.

Try to sleep with an open window, to let in fresh air room. It cheer and optimism charge in the morning.

It is necessary to wash away the remnants of sleep. Just do not use cold water. Much more useful to first take a hot shower, and when the skin is well warmed up, alternately include something warm, then hot water. Use gels with bright fruit flavors. Finish with a cool shower procedure. Rub the body with a towel - a kind of massage.

Breakfast a must. Morning blood sugar lowest per day, hence the lethargy and weakness. It is best suited for a morning menu: cereal, boiled egg, whole grain bread, cocoa or black sweet tea. Eat honey, it is a powerful antidepressant and helps to cheer up, even for people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

There was no time to charge? Walk at least 100-200 meters to the place of work at a fast pace. If the office is not located on the first floor, it is desirable to rise without an elevator.

Massage your ears, repeat every action 10 times. Pull his ears up, down and sideways. Press the palms to auditory canal, lifting him.

Before you make important decisions or urgent work to do, solve for 10-15 minutes puzzles, learn a few phrases in a foreign language or a poem, it wakes gray cells of the brain. During the day, drink apple juice, he got rid of hunger and will not cause drowsiness.

To feel cheerful in the morning and sleep, take care of it in the evening. Forget about a hearty dinner and come up with an evening ritual that help you sleep (for example, reading a book). But the weekend does not sit at home, walk in the fresh air energy for the next week.

Tags: morning, the way an easy recipe, vigor, awakening