Myth №1: carbohydrate intake contributes to weight gain
Those who think they can get fat from carbohydrates, very wrong. Carbohydrates are able to attract water, so if you exclude them from the diet, you can lose weight, but this exclusion will deprive the body of energy.
Myth №2: Fresh produce healthier frozen
If frozen food stored in accordance with the rules and were not subject to additional defrosting and freezing, they do not differ in quality from fresh produce.
Myth №3: Bread should be completely excluded from the diet
Bread is one of the most popular foods, replace or exclude it from the diet is not necessary.
Myth №4: If dinner after six in the evening, you can gain weight
According to nutritionists, late dinner does not affect the figure. The main thing - do not overeat and do not exceed the daily requirement of calories.
Myth №5: If you sleep less, you can lose weight
This is misleading. Get enough sleep - a necessary component of weight loss programs. And if the bed by at least 1 hour behind this can lead to failure of the hormone in the body.
Myth №6: Chocolate is very harmful for health
Chocolate contains substances that promote favorable cardiac performance, to reduce the pressure and reduce the development of inflammatory processes.
Myth №7: morning run is very useful for the organism
Before proceeding to the morning exercise, it is imperative to consult with a specialist. For one person they can be useful, and for another - very harmful.
Myth №8: Protein increases muscle mass
Protein itself is not able to increase muscle mass. Therefore, using dietary protein supplements, it is imperative to engage in weight training.
Myth №9: The use of even small amounts of alcohol are very bad for your health
It has long been scientifically proven that moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages is not only harmful, but also useful. For example, red wine has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Myth №10: Cholesterol is a major cause of cardiovascular disease
This is not true. The level of cholesterol in the body is very important, but it is not a cause of heart disease. The main problem is the core hypertension.