Useful properties of rooibos tea

Useful properties of rooibos tea
 African rooibos tea - is a unique product that combines the delicate and refined taste incredible health benefits. South Africans believe that daily consumption of this beverage prolongs life and makes the mind clear. Rooibos is so useful and versatile, that in addition to its primary use as a tonic, it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
 Useful properties of rooibos tea due to the presence of vitamins A, P, E, C, trace elements and essential oils. Most in this case, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium. In addition, it contains zinc, copper, manganese, iron and fluoride. One cup of rooibos is able to meet half of the daily requirement for vitamin C, and 1/9 of the iron requirements.

Perhaps the most useful feature of the South African tea - the ability to slow the aging process in humans. The fact that it includes a highly antioxidant super-oxide dismutase (SOD). In Rooibos it even more than in green tea. SOD antioxidant fights free radicals that destroy the cells of the body. This slows down the aging process.

In addition, rooibos boosts immunity. Content of vitamin C, minerals and flavonoids helps to cope with infections and maintain the body's defenses.

This unique tea has beneficial effects on the circulatory system. It includes iron, as well as substances that contribute to its assimilation. This provides an improvement of the blood and activates the process of hematopoiesis. This feature is useful, especially for pregnant women, nursing mothers, athletes and persons suffering from anemia.

Rooibos acts as spazmalitik. It reduces the intensity of stomach cramps and generally has a positive effect on the stomach.

Another useful feature of this tea - soothing. The drink has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep, relieves depression, relieves irritability, fatigue and headaches.

The unique properties of African tea can evaluate and people suffering from allergies, as it quickly calms itching. Lotions infusion of rooibos soothe irritation. Tea perfectly helps with hay fever, eczema and acne. To do this, you need to brew a teaspoon in a glass of water, infuse for 30 minutes and make lotions.

Useful properties of rooibos are widely used in cosmetics. He smoothes the face, fine wrinkles, improves skin, moisturizes and rejuvenates it.

But the main advantage of this tea is that it's great thirst quencher. Drinking rooibos fill the moisture deficit in the body, enriches it with vitamins and minerals. In contrast, black tea, Rooibos contains no theine or caffeine, which allows drink to any amount at any time. In this case, there is no fear of insomnia and dehydration. All of the above makes rooibos tea is the perfect drink for hypertensive kardiobolnyh, children, pregnant and lactating women.

Tags: property, rooibos