The use of homemade yogurt

The use of homemade yogurt
 Despite the large choice of yoghurt in supermarkets, and their cooking at home has become increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that the composition and properties of the fermented milk product of domestic and industrial analogue vary considerably.
 Homemade yogurt - an indispensable component of the diet of fans of a healthy lifestyle. Due to the absence of sugar, and it is suitable for diabetics and people discharged overweight. Thick yogurt can be a low-calorie substitute for sour cream and mayonnaise. Devoid of chemical additives, it does not cause allergies, so is used as a feeding young children.

Home-made product contains more lactose and bifidobacteria in contrast to shop. This is due to the fact that during transportation and storage of goods part microorganisms therein are killed, but sometimes reach Yogurt buyer already completely sterile, i.e. devoid of any microflora.

When preparing your own homemade yogurt you choose the products, the quality of which you are comfortable. You can add fillers and flavors in its sole discretion.

Domestic yogurt contains thickeners, preservatives, and dyes. Quite a long shelf life (7 days) is provided by using sterilized equipment and pasteurized milk. Thick yoghurt obtained because during its preparation, the liquid part of the milk is evaporated and deposited on the lid for yogurt, and the solid - stvorazhivaetsya lactic acid bacteria. Fruits of the product is not homemade undergo heat treatment, therefore, retain their useful properties.

Homemade yogurt can be used as a means to normalize intestinal microflora and treatment of dysbiosis, as when the preparation is used as ferment pharmaceutical probiotics "Bifidumbakterin" "Narine" etc.

Preparation of yogurt at home allows you to save the family budget. A simple model for yogurt with regular use will pay off in a couple of months.

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