The healing properties of rosehip

The healing properties of rosehip
 In its origin rosehips belongs to the family Rosaceae and is a wild relative of the rose garden - Queen of any garden. What it is not only the properties endowed people! Slavs believed rosehips symbol of male power, the Romans - the embodiment of morality, the Greeks planted bushes with beautiful pink flowers around the temple of Aphrodite - the goddess of love and petals strewn road to the altar. His Majesty the Brier, the beneficial properties of this unique plant - defines today's topic women's magazine JustLady.

There is an ancient Greek legend tells of the origin ofwild rose. Bacchus, great "moved" to another orgy (the god of wine - what to take with him!) Was kindled feelings for a young nymph. That in no way inspired by his claims, decided to run away from him. Bacchus catch up with her and could not enrolled smarter. Strewn bush that stood in the way of the nymphs, roses - thought zasmotritsya and forget where to run. And that does not seem to have been natural beauties - slipped by, and saw only her. Angry Bacchus and more delicate flowers spikes added - so get wild rose.

However briar - It's not just a pretty shrub with fragrant flowers, but also a valuable medicinal plant, and useful properties are not only the berries, but also the roots, seeds, petals. Rosehip unpretentious and thrives in almost any climate: it grows in Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Far East. Collect the rose hips closer to the fall, while they are still strong and is stuck frost. The fruit must be orange or bright red, brown color indicates that the berries to stagnate and have already lost most nutrients. Rosehips are harvested by hand, then dried - in direct sunlight or in a well-ventilated area, spreading a thin layer.

Rosehip - useful properties

Modern research has confirmed that our ancestors were not in vain endowed rosehips miraculous properties. Scientists have found that it has a positive effect on virtually the entire human body. It can be used for liver and kidney, wild rose is a diuretic, choleretic effect, improves metabolism and cerebral blood flow. Anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties allow its use in diseases of the stomach, hemorrhoids, for the prevention of infectious diseases. Tincture of rose hips lowers blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the immune properties and tone the body, has antiscorbutic activity.

Rosehip, useful properties which are determined by its biochemical composition is simply multivitamin "concentrate." By number of vitamin C rosehips surpasses even lemon and black currants, but by the content of carotene competes with sea buckthorn, carrot and persimmon. For the treatment and prevention of a variety of drugs used rosehip: extracts, tinctures, syrups, teas - they all have the same qualities as the fresh fruit.

At home, you can prepare rosehip infusion and decoction (be sure to observe the proportion: 1 part fruit of 10 parts water). Mash the berries with a fork or wooden pestle, add in a thermos and fill with boiling water. After 7 hours, the infusion of rose hips will be ready for use.Broth hips cook a little longer: first berries tantalized over low heat for an hour, then insist 12 hours in a warm place - so the fruit will devote all their nutrients. Received vitamin drinks taken before a meal (1 cup of adults and children - ½ cup), adding them, if desired, a little honey. Rosehip increase resistance to colds and infections, rejuvenate in the physical and mental strain. Be sure to drink beverages from the hips in the spring - the body, weakened by colds and beriberi, will tell you "thank you" for such care.

The healing properties of rosehip

Once called rosehips not our ancestors! And "serdobolnikom" and "svoroborinovoy molasses" (it allowed for a speedy recovery to the wounded), and "house physician" ... In the time of Ivan the Terrible for this miraculous plant offer expeditions, rose hips redeemed for velvet, brocade, fur. Todayrose, useful properties which is recognized by official medicine, is the basis of the set of pharmaceutical vitamin and medical preparations. In the home of his prepared jam, jam, jelly, fruit drinks and even wine - rosehips not only a medicinal plant, but useful, tasty food.

Rosehip - contraindications

The healing properties of rosehip people know is not the first century. But do not forget that even the uncontrolled use of herbal preparation can harm the body. Women's Site JustLady warns rosehips has contraindications! To his reception should be taken cautiously people prone to suffering from thrombophlebitis and peptic ulcer disease. Alcohol tincture of rose hips are not recommended to hypertensive, water tincture - gipotonikam, otherwise jumps of arterial pressure. Prolonged administration of drugs on the basis of rose hips (including home infusions) may adversely affect the liver, cause allergic reactions. Before starting treatment or prevention - check with your doctor, it will eliminate all unwanted consequences.

Svetlana Krutova and women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, hips, property