Saturated fat - it's bad

Saturated fat - it's bad
 Traditional ideas about healthy eating nutritionists consider such an aspect ration as fats. The classification of the various types of fats - base separation of products containing a particular variation thereof. Some product can be eaten in smaller quantities due to its hazard contained in the fat composition. Let's sort out which ones are desirable to include in the daily diet, and what - as often as possible to avoid.

Fats are composed mainly of triglycerides, which, in turn, consist partly of fatty acids. Fatty acids are divided into three categories: saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated.

The first type is considered unreliable for the metabolism of the human body. As for the other two, they are, as opposed to the first, exhibit properties of harm reduction and opposed to the first type - saturated fats. It is logical to believe that the decline in the share of products containing the first type, in favor of other types of fat a positive impact on health in a regular practice of including them in your diet. However, this does not mean that it is worth to get involved.

What is so not pleased nutritionists fats consist mainly of saturated fatty acids? The answer lies in the clinical observations surgical practices, identify dominant products in the diet of people with overweight and obesity varying degrees.

It turns out that the prevalence of dietary saturated fat leads to disruption of lipid metabolism and, as a consequence, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant tumors of breast, bladder, prostate and large intestine.

Saturated fats - a total of about thirty species - have a distinctive sign by which they can be accurately determined. They are refractory and at room temperature have a hard or soft uniform plastic consistency. Remember the properties of melted butter - is an example of saturated fat. All animal fats are of this type, and 2 kinds of fat from the vegetable processing products. It's about coconut oil and palm oil.

Coconut oil is used in the formulation of margarines which are manufactured by the hydrogenation, which further increases the harm from this fat.

By the degree of the negative impact of palm oil even more than the harm of margarine, when compared with the coconut. However, it is most widely used in the modern food industry because of its particularly long withstand very high temperatures, in addition, it becomes almost rancid considerably cheaper and sunflower oil. Crackers and cookies often produce it in coconut oil. It just added to the cheap chocolate bars.

Among the products of animal origin, containing an abundance of saturated fat, highlighting products such as fast-prepared (fast food), egg yolks, pork (bacon), lamb and other fatty meats, sausages and other meat products from meat, cheese and dairy products , pastries, etc.

To avoid problems with excess saturated fat in your diet, take note of the following advice. Cut down as much as possible the proportion of the above "products at risk" replacing them with raw foods of plant origin - herbs, vegetables and fruits, and be healthy!

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