On the dangers of 50 grams of sausages ...

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 The appeal of sausages for children not in doubt. Toddlers are ready to eat them for breakfast and lunch, and dinner. So it really is harmless use of processed meat products? Scientists endure an unambiguous verdict is not in favor of the latter and it is believed that fresh meat causes much less damage to the body than the best sausages.

Harvard University conducted a broad analysis of the works that were carried out earlier by other scientists regarding the study of diet people. A total of more than a million participants were observed. As a result, identify patterns, indicating that eating every day 50 grams of processed meat, for example, two slices of ham or a sausage, a 19 percent increased risk of diabetes and 42 per cent - of the heart coronary insufficiency. And those who drank two-fold dose of freshly prepared pork, beef, mutton, the risk of diabetes earn almost exposed. Was taken into account and that the comparison was taken by the same fat content of the food and the other category.

The thing is that the processing of meat eating is a lot of excess additives, which are provided by various formulations manufacturing sausages, sausages and similar delicacies. Added thereto harmful components such as salt, preservatives, thickeners, flavor enhancers and nitrates to nitrites, carrageenan, phosphates. Without all of these ingredients sausages would not have been already so tasty, fragrant and almost always welcome. It is this "chemistry" and we used to eat, but crack up. Children, alas, does not lag behind adults, they are even more biased. On a more sensitive taste buds kids "chemistry" has a much greater impact, and therefore they develop a relationship faster.

Also important factor as excess salt in processed meat products. Cooked meat is not the traditional way so generously flavored with it than sausages. A salt, as is known, is one of the major factors that increase the arterial blood pressure. So try to avoid products of industrial meat processing.

Tags: meat, sausage, product programs, harm, eating