If hemoglobin is lowered: the products to be menu

If hemoglobin is lowered: the products to be menu
 Hemoglobin is responsible for the delivery of oxygen within the body, so its lack of effect on general health. Causes of low hemoglobin set and sometimes correct the situation can only medication. But in some cases it is sufficient to reconsider its menu, focusing on products that increase the hemoglobin.
 Understand that it is time to see a doctor, it is possible and without analysis. On the lack of hemoglobin show weakness, until fainting at especially low, pale skin, a constant feeling of fatigue.

In fact, the level of hemoglobin depends on the amount of iron in the blood. Therefore, before them as an ideal source offered apples, especially their sour varieties. But later it turned out that the iron content in them is such that for a daily rate of iron must have their weight. Furthermore, the iron obtained from plant sources is not absorbed fully so that the use of animal products for increasing the level of hemoglobin is preferred.

But this does not mean that we should forget about apples. Iron in them is still there, and still a large amount of vitamin C, which helps him to be assimilated. So the apples in the diet should be, as well as oranges, pomegranates, apricots, nuts. These products are for hemoglobin useful to use in combination with meat.

The largest amount of iron present in beef and liver. From these sources is absorbed almost a quarter of iron entering the body. Other meats also contain it, but in lesser amounts. Even less in his fish.

From plant foods contribute to the hemoglobin cereals and legumes. Buckwheat are recommended for anemia even in ancient times. Peas, beans, soybeans, lentils boiled contain a lot of iron, as well as pumpkin and sesame seeds. So create a menu that includes products to increase hemoglobin, is a snap. We just need to ensure that every day on the table there was at least something of the above list.

It is important not only to properly prepare and regularly eat iron-containing products, but also to make sure that they do not overlap with those that contain calcium. It blocks the absorption of iron, so the meat is not washed down with milk and sour cream is not quenched. So that the body receives all the necessary material, it is only necessary to use iron and calcium in different meals.

Tags: hemoglobin, which are smaller, the product, increasing