How to drink water

How to drink water
 We know that people in the 60-65% of the water, it can not exist without all living things. All metabolic processes in the body take place with the direct participation of water. How to drink, so that the body was not dehydrated, that there were no severe swelling of the presence of excess fluid within us?

People with normal weight for proper metabolism in the body during the day should drink 1 liter of water for every 30 kg of body weight. Lack or excess liquid can cause dehydration and poisoning. To determine exactly how much water is necessary to drink during the day, you just have to trust your own body: it is necessary to drink when you want.

Water has the ability to excrete waste products of decay. If too little moisture inside, it removes harmful toxins.

If a person is prone to swelling, it is necessary to reduce the number of drunk no water, and the volume of acute and salty foods that block the excretion of fluids.

It is believed that water, drunk during the meals, slows digestion. In fact, "zapivanie" food is not so bad. In this regard, an important role is played by the temperature of fluid intake. Very cold and very hot water provoke too rapid elimination from the stomach eaten. The feeling of satiety is not enough time to develop, the body feels hungry again. The water drink after a meal, stretches the stomach wall. Therefore, in what sense of satiety comes from eating the already more food. Experts recommend drinking the liquid is not less than one hour before or after meals.

It is recommended to drink a glass of water in the morning to start the operation of all systems of the body and wake up faster. People with problems of the excretory system of the water you drink at night, you may experience swelling.

During the day you need to drink in small portions. The most optimal scheme of water consumption can be as follows: in the morning - one cup, a cup of tea after breakfast, a glass of juice or mineral water before lunch. After dinner will be appropriate whole tea ceremony.

In the hot season you should always have with you a bottle of water and do swallow, as soon as there is a desire to have a drink. Then excretory system will work effectively.

During exercise or other type of physical activity, water is needed for removal of metabolic products. Body burden provoke thickening of the blood, the heart and make it difficult to reduce the pressure. As a result, people quickly get tired, and his brain gets less oxygen may even form blood clots. Under extreme stresses need to drink every 15 minutes with 150 ml of fluid.

The golden rule of the use of water - to listen to the needs of the organism.

Tags: liquid water, the process