Citrus - prevention of stroke and blood clots

Citrus - prevention of stroke and blood clots
 In the last century in America was conducted a global study by touching about 70 000 women. The results of this study are striking still - only one orange day to reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke by 19%.
 A study conducted by scientists, was designed to study the effect of compounds so-called flavonones, the risk of stroke. These compounds are present in citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruit, lemons, tangerines, they are kind of food flavonoids, reduce the risk of ischemic stroke.

Women who participated in the study, every 4 years reported their diet and lifestyle. For 14 years, during which observations were made, there was a stroke in 1803, and half of them were associated with a blood clot. Women who regularly consume citrus fruits, the risk of stroke and blood clots by 19% less. In addition, the researchers noted that lovers of orange smoke less, most practiced sports, less alcohol and caffeine.

Flavonones contained in citrus fruits, help to improve the function of blood vessels, reduce inflammation. These useful components are contained in large amounts not only in fruit and dark chocolate, and in red wine. In addition, good sources flavonones - berries, green tea, onions, juice. But do not forget that the juice manufacturers add a lot of sugar, so they can be injurious to health (sugar makes the vessel walls more fragile). Note that some products can be side effects, such as grapefruit juice in large amounts increases the likelihood of liver problems.

In one of citrus fruit contains about 50 mg flavonones, and the body needs a minimum of 450-470 mg per day. Therefore it is not limited to one orange - eat more vegetables, fiber, and other fruits.

In addition to citrus fruits other than prevention of stroke - dairy products. Due to the high content of potassium and calcium, they regulate blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels. Do not forget to give up bad habits (smoking increases the risk of stroke by 40-60%), alcohol, drugs, fatty and salty foods.

Tags: vessel formation, stroke, blood clot prevention