Amazing is the substance - vitamins. Their number is so insignificant, and a huge role: they depend directly on our health, mood, appearance, resistance to disease and old age.
Vitamin A. It activates cell regeneration, so that is a real beauty vitamin. Contained it in seafood, cheese, carrots, eggs, citrus fruits and liver. Also, a lot of this vitamin in green vegetables.
B vitamins stimulate the immune system, increase resistance to disease, are responsible for the growth of the organism. B12 deficiency leads to intestinal diseases. These vitamins contained mainly in meat products, cereals (especially wheat germ), yeast, nuts, Cabbage.
Vitamin C is the most famous of vitamins (another name - ascorbic acid). Its most important task is to protect against toxic substances, the synthesis of collagen (connective tissue of the body). Most vitamin C in green vegetables, fruits, especially in sea buckthorn, black currant and wild rose.
Vitamin D, responsible for strengthening the bone, helps rid the body of heavy metals, to deal with the tubercle bacillus and some other microbes. Products containing vitamins in this group: all dairy products, seafood, especially fatty fish. Most of it is in fish oil. Still, this vitamin is produced by the human body under ultraviolet light.
Vitamin E, an essential vitamin that is responsible for the body's defenses, for our hormonal system. The human body is not formed at all, and displayed very quickly. Most of it is found in the liver of animals, vegetable oil, cabbage, cereals, green leafy vegetables and fruits such as cherry, rowan. You can get it by including food sunflower seeds, almonds and peanuts.
The main work of vitamin K in the body - to ensure normal blood clotting. Deliver it into our bodies pumpkin, green peas, tomatoes, lettuce, fish oil, eggs, animal liver. It should be noted that an excess of calcium in the diet interferes with the normal absorption of vitamin K, which can cause internal bleeding.
In fact, provide the body with essential vitamins is not difficult. A balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood quality is quite cope with it. You should also periodically visit a doctor who will verify that it requires your body and will help to make educated diet.