Chum salmon - the fish of the salmon family. It is also called the Pacific salmon. In addition to its tasty and healthy meat, this fish - the source of the famous red caviar.
Meat chum salmon contains large amounts of high-quality protein. On its content, it can be compared only with chicken. The human body is very necessary proteins because they contain amino acids that he can not produce.
One - methionine, which is not even in meat animals. This acid is a source of sulfur, and is involved in regulating the level of cholesterol in blood and liver function improves.
Vitamins A, D, E, as well as iron, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and salmon fish make highly valuable product.
Contents in chum Omega-3 fatty acids, making it an indispensable product for the human body. After all, this acid promotes cell rejuvenation of tissues and a positive effect on mental activity.
Phosphoric acid contained in the chum, is actively involved in chemical reactions of cells due to enzymatic processes. The fabric of the human skeleton consists of phosphates, so that by eating fish chum, we strengthen the bones of his skeleton.
In chum eggs and contains from 14 to 18% of polyunsaturated fats and lecithin, which are also struggling with cholesterol, and at the same time prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
Getting in the human body that are part of chum vitamins and minerals are as follows. They reduce the cholesterol level, improving vascular health, to stimulate the brain activity level and improve vision. Preventing the development of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, nutrients improve health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, they strengthen the immune system and fight the aging of cells in the human body.
Dietitians tend to think of salmon is very useful product. In their opinion keta, as indeed all the fish to digest much faster and the greatest benefit for the body than meat animals.
Keta very useful dietary product. It just is contraindicated for people with allergic diseases, which should not be consumed all other seafood.