Which toothpaste is better?

Which toothpaste is better?
 Every day in the morning and in the evening we brush our teeth with toothpaste, but how often do we reflect on the simple question: what's the toothpaste? If there was anything harmful to our health and the health of children? Which toothpaste is better and why? Questions will certainly relevant, especially in connection with the latest high-profile revelations psevdopoleznoy cosmetics on our TV. Women's magazine JustLady sure: toothpaste is best to know before you buy it. Especially after that to find a toothpaste that you bought, it will be difficult. How Come?

Think of your own actions when you start a new tube of toothpaste. Opened the box ... and thrown away. Mechanically. Even then if you want to know - and what specific substance manufacturers were mixed in a tube? - Nothing happens. After all the ingredients are indicated only on the box, and not on the tube. By the way, this is a direct violation of the law. But as long as regulatory authorities are silent, the consumer should be informed to take into their own hands. Then answer the question "what toothpaste better"Will become much easier.

Today, female site JustLady try to work with you to figure out which substances can often be found in toothpastes.

Fluoride, Fluoride - a substance that strengthens tooth enamel. Always useful if this item? It turns out not always. Fluoride also can damage the teeth. If fluoride in the body too much, begins fluorosis - the appearance of yellow spots on tooth enamel. Such troubles may occur if the water in your region is saturated with fluorine, and when you use this fluorinated paste.

Pay attention to the content of this element in toothpaste, when the decision -what toothpaste better suitable for a child. In this case, choose the minimum number (0, 1 or 0, 2%). It is best to choose a special children's toothpaste in the substance optimally balanced

Pyrophosphates. These substances - a good choice for the prevention of dental difficulties, as tartar, plaque. However, the key word here - "prevention". If dental plaque already "settled" on the teeth, the dentist requires skilled care.

Of course,toothpaste includes abrasives - substances that "scour" plaque from the teeth. Ask a Question "what toothpaste better? "- Note the abrasives contained in it. Silica - what you need. If the label on the package says that in toothpaste includes calcium carbonate - the money is best not to waste. The fact that the calcium carbonate - this is known to all ... chalk. "Cheap and cheerful" for producer - and the buyer is useless. Iftoothpaste includes both calcium carbonate and fluoride (or fluoride), the first almost nullifies the effect of the second.

Xylitol - birch sugar, natural sugar substitute that not only makes the taste of pasta enjoyable, but also take steps to prevent the destruction of enamel.

Which toothpaste is better suitable for you? Before making a purchase, read the inscription on the box. Pastes can be hygienic, medical and preventive, curative bleach directly. Btoothpaste medical and hygiene for the prevention of bleeding gums natural ingredients - such as natural anti-inflammatories such as oak bark, chamomile, peppermint, sage, etc. If gingivitis (bleeding), periodontitis has "entered the law" in your mouth, to help paste with triclosan, chlorhexidine, metronidazole. And the best option - to choose which toothpaste is best via the dentist.

Women's magazine JustLady reminds medical pasta with triclosan and similar components can be used for a very limited time. An experienced dentist will not only promptwhat toothpaste better will act in your case, but also indicate how you should use it.

There is an interesting category of toothpaste - gel. Transparent, colored - they look very attractive and, of course, fragrant different flavors. However, pay attention to such a paste is not necessary. You want to knowwhat toothpaste better and useful? A gel purified enamel paste is not too good.
Do not get carried away bleaching pastes. Alas, they are all in varying degrees of harm tooth enamel.

Another important piece of advice - do not try to buy cheap pasta. Btoothpaste low price category includes hazardous substances produced from refined petroleum products - lauryl sulfate, sodium sulfate Lorette. In general, the price in this case is also not an indicator. The paste may not be the cheapest, but nevertheless, the toothpaste composition will include cheap and harmful components.

Looking forwhat toothpaste better? You can try to find useful information on the Internet pastes or purchase specialized brand directly through the online store.
Today it is possible to choose a toothpaste with any natural components - extracts of plants and algae, useful salts, vitamins. The main thing - do not be lazy to study the composition of toothpaste and objectively decide which toothpaste is best for you!

Jan Altshuler
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: forum, paste, substance review, composition, element, dental, child