
 There are several types of walnut, but the most popular of them - English walnut. Originally nut grows in Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe, but now it grows everywhere in Europe and in North and South America. Walnut trees centenarians real - they live from four hundred to thousands of years, with the first harvest tree produces 10-12 years. With an average of one tree can collect up to three hundred pounds of fruit. This tree crown held high, thick branches, large imparipinnate leaves. Blossoms walnut in April-May and August-September to ripen fruit. It grows in mixed deciduous forests, river valleys, ravines in the mountains. Typically, single trees or small groups, rarely formed groves. Today women's magazine JustLady tell its readers about the walnut, useful properties and methods of its use for medicinal purposes.

Walnut: useful properties

Walnut seeds contain thiamin, rutin, ascorbic acid, protein (20%), a drying fatty oil (74%), carbohydrates (7%). Green immature nut shell contains tannins (25%), ascorbic acid (3.1%), and carotene. Therefore, from the unripe fruits to prepare delicious and very useful jam. By the way, the women's magazine JustLady recommend this dainty girl sweet tooth who want to eat something sweet, tasty, but at the same time and diet - is jam just for you. Continuing the theme, not to mention the benefits of peanut butter - it is widely used in medicine for the treatment of conjunctivitis, inflammation of the middle ear, for the healing of ulcers and skin lesions.

Many useful properties have leaves of this tree. Traditional medicine recommends takingwalnut leaves in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, to relieve toothache, in scurvy, bowel problems, gynecological diseases, sore throat, stomatitis, diseases of the bladder, kidney, heart, and with boils, ulcers. Walnut leaves are considered a good anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent. Pericarp and leaves are used as anthelmintic with bleeding gums, bleeding ulcers, diabetes, inflammation of lymph nodes, rickets. Metabolic disorders and skin diseases leaves are used as a general tonic.


Walnut: treatment

In modern medicinewalnut used for the manufacture of drugs, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, tonic, anti-sclerotic, anthelminthic, hemostatics, moderately hypoglycemic, epiteliziruyutsya, astringent, wound-healing properties. Kernels contain a large amount of magnesium, which has a diuretic and vasodilator effect, as well as potassium, sodium stimulates the removal from the body. In addition, the ripe fruit is considered an excellent multivitamin remedy. Due to the content of fluoride, they help prevent caries.

Walnut: treatment of decoctions and infusions

With angina effective assistant will decoction of walnut leaves - they rinse the throat. The broth is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of leaves pour 2 cups of species, boil for 15-20 minutes, then strain. Broth is ready. In diabetes and scurvy recommended to drink tea from the leaves 1 tablespoon of leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Tea 2-3 times a day. To accelerate wound healing cook walnut oil infusion. 50-80 g of fresh leaves pour 300 g of sunflower oil, leave to infuse for 15-20 days. Infusion of leaves is added to the bath to treat skin rashes and scrofula.

Mature nuts are very high in calories. They are recommended to use in the treatment of atherosclerosis, with a lack of iron in the body and vitamin deficiency. Nuts contain high amounts of vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as oil and fiber, which well help the bowel. Doubly useful nuts nursing mothers, anemia, liver and intestines.

When nervous diseases, chills take vodka infusions walnuts. For this purpose are immature nuts. This tincture helps with indigestion and pain in the stomach and intestines. Preparinginfusion of walnuts on this recipe: take two dozen walnuts, finely chop them, pour vodka or 40-70% alcohol (0, 5l), leave in a sunny spot for two weeks. Scheme of use:

• neurotic and insomnia take 3 times a day to 25 drops of tincture;
• gastritis, tumors, diabetes take 20 mg infusions after a meal;
• as a general tonic and vitamin funds to make a tincture after eating (20 mg).

Broth nut partitions and rind of the fruit used in pediatric enteritis and enterocolitis as astringent drug. Anemia and fatigue recommended this extract: 300 g walnuts, 100 grams of garlic, 5 g of ground fruits of dill, 1 kg of honey in May. All the ingredients are well mixed and knead, leave to infuse for 3 days. Take the mixture 3 times daily after meals for 1 tablespoon Journal JustLady advises you to include nuts in your diet. Pre regular use of this useful fruit body are derived from heavy metals, such as lead, mercury compounds, strontium.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: nut