Pine nuts have long been the subject of national fishing in Siberia. Benefits that nuts have on human health has been seen as far back as ancient times. Today, numerous recipes of traditional medicine on the basis of pine nuts, which can help cure a variety of diseases. They are very effective and as a preventive measure. Pine nuts contribute to the development of satiety hormone special - holetsistokenina. It is this hormone the body produces after saturation, the brain reacts to it and lost appetite. Therefore, they are very useful for those who are dieting to lose weight.
In pine nuts contains a large number of various nutrients, including unsaturated fatty acids (mainly linoleic), vital for the brain. They accelerate the normalization of the metabolism and the amount of glucose in the blood, but if not abused nuts, the obesity of the polyunsaturated acid will be. Especially useful nuts to those whose body is growing: children. They also needed to pregnant women. B group vitamins E, P and B, available in large quantities in nuts, beneficial effects on the nervous and circulatory system, promote normal tissue renewal, useful for the brain.
Pine nut is used to treat and prevent many diseases: metabolic disorders, arthritis, ulcers, gallstones, rheumatism and gout, as well as all kinds of diseases of the respiratory, circulatory and reproductive systems.
For the treatment of nuts can be eaten raw, but it can have a negative impact on the health of the teeth. Some bite them and all will not do. But there are other ways of using personnel nut. To do this, take the nuts, crush or grind them together with shell (it is also very useful), add water and infuse for a week. Water should be poured into the vessel so that it completely covered the nut weight, and raised over it by about 5 cm. Infusion take a month or two, one tablespoon three times a day. This method is especially useful for diseases of the joints and connective tissue.
For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system to be applied decoction of pine nuts. One tablespoon of nuts boiled water. You need to give it brew broth, and you can take it - 5-6 times a day for about half a cup.
If you love to chew pine nuts, but want to protect your teeth from damage, there are two ways to combine business with pleasure. First - pour boiling water and nuts hold a few minutes. Obmyaknet shell, to crack nuts will be much easier. The second way - to use the press for nuts and split shells with it.