Mackerel chemical composition, caloric properties and health benefits mackerel

Mackerel chemical composition, caloric properties and health benefits mackerel
 Among his fellow mackerel is considered a noble fish, blue fish species. In addition to its high gastronomic value of mackerel is extremely useful for the human body. The reason for that - its rich set of vitamins and various micro and macro.

Calorie mackerel - only about 200 calories. One could call it a dietary product, if not one "but": quite high content of fish oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, its member, act as antioxidants and significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Their action is also beneficial to the skin and hair.

Mackerel should enter into the diet of people with diabetes because it helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels and normalization of lipid metabolism. With regular use of mackerel can lead to normal blood sugar levels.

Another no less valuable property mackerel is its content of almost half the daily requirement of protein.
Also, it is composed of a huge number of vital micro and macro, such as potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, sodium, and zinc. And this is not a complete list.

By the way, phosphorus mackerel contains much more than in all other varieties of fish. Also in the present mackerel vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins and others. Thanks minerals, mackerel useful in diseases of the joints. These substances are involved in the movement of oxygen through the body, promote growth that makes mackerel indispensable product for children and adolescents.

Preference is better to give fresh mackerel or quick-frozen, which preserves all the nutrients. It should be borne in mind that the Smoked and salted mackerel useful not for everyone. Excessive use of it is to give people with acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart disease. Also too fatty undesirable for people with diseases of the kidneys and liver.

According to the US Department of quality control of medicines and foods (Food and Drug Administration (FDA)), the large variety of mackerel to a greater extent than other varieties of fish accumulate mercury. In this connection, it is recommended to give up eating mackerel species king mackerel children and pregnant women.

And finally, should take note that the more useful is considered mackerel caught in the fall than in the spring, as the fat content of the "fall" of mackerel is much higher. And, as you can already conclude, the main value of mackerel are just healthy fats that are included in its composition.

Tags: health, mackerel, use, damage property, structure