How to take calcium glyukanat

How to take calcium glyukanat
 Calcium is essential for maintaining bone health and proper functioning of the whole organism. He is involved in metabolic processes, is part of the membranes and nuclei of cells, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. To make up for the deficit prescribers - calcium gluconate.
 The preparation is necessary in cases when there are signs of a lack of calcium in the body. These include: tooth decay, osteoporosis, muscle cramps, tingling in the feet and hands, their insensitivity, cardiac arrhythmia. When the manifestation of one or more of these symptoms should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Take calcium gluconate need immediately after eating, drinking plenty of water. In this case, it will be better absorbed by the body. The daily dose is better to divide into 2-3 doses. An excessive amount of calcium excreted by the kidneys, so it's best to use it in small doses.

The daily dose of calcium gluconate - from two to six tablets. Baby maximum dose - 0, 5 grams at a time. Children up to four years, you can take 2 tablets at a time, preschoolers - 3, students - to 4. The exact dosage should be prescribed by a doctor, as it depends on the individual.

In order to efficiently sucked calcium, must also take vitamin D3 preparations containing iron.

Stress and lack of exercise reduce the ability of calcium absorption by the body. Impediments to maintain the desired level of calcium intake and relates coffee in large quantities - it increases the excretion of mineral substances from the body.

Adult daily requirement for calcium is about one gram. In the body it must act in conjunction with certain phosphorus. The optimum ratio of these elements is considered to be 1: 1, 5 (calcium and phosphorus, respectively).

Sources of calcium among foods are: cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, turnip greens, spinach, asparagus, dairy products. Calcium is also found in egg yolks, legumes, lentils, nuts, figs.

Tags: reception, calcium gluconate, lack, glyukanat