It is difficult to overestimate the importance of calcium for the cardiovascular system. With it comes the excretion of excess sodium, which contributes to high blood pressure. That is why calcium is important for the elderly, as well as for pregnant women who are prone to the development of hypertension. In addition, calcium deficiency increases the risk of complications in childbirth, but because in the last trimester is especially important to monitor their well-being and its deterioration in time to see a doctor and take action.
Suspected calcium deficiency can not only in bone fragility and increased blood pressure. Important features is also the deterioration of hair, irritability, and involuntary muscle twitching (tics). If you see at one or more of these symptoms, see your doctor for testing and the destination therapy.
The easiest way to make up for the lack of calcium - is to increase its consumption with food. This trace mineral in large quantities found in dairy products, cabbage, seeds, beans and berries. As much calcium can be obtained from the eggshell. Pre-washed and dried, grind it in a mortar. Add to the resulting powder a few drops of lemon juice and take half a teaspoon twice a day until symptoms disappear calcium deficiency.
Take calcium supplements. Contrary to popular belief, the domestic calcium gluconate is absorbed is not worse than expensive imported analogues. Most often, the drug is assigned to 2-4 tablets 2-3 times a day, but the dose can be adjusted based on your state of health and the results of analyzes.
Calcium is practically not absorbed, if the body is not received enough vitamin D. spend more time in the sun, eat seafood, and if necessary drink cod liver oil.