How to hold a dry fasting

How to hold a dry fasting
 In order to properly carry out dry fasting, you must prepare. The body does not have to suffer from the harsh treatment, because it is really effective because your doctor performs very nature. In addition, it is also useful to know how to get out of hunger, so as not to harm the health, but on the contrary, to extend and consolidate the action of the rigid procedures.
 Fasting is usually associated with weight loss, but the range of its action is much broader. It is known that this procedure gives a therapeutic effect, and improves health. Sometimes during disease organism itself is switched to hunger, and people unconsciously obey him. It is about the complete absence of food and water, when the body itself purifies himself, calling for help nature.

In order to properly carry out dry fasting for the first time, should be carefully prepared. In the first three or four days give up sugar, salt and smoked, heavy meat (pork, beef, lamb), coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. In the food consumed only boiled and steam dishes. Resolved: lean fish and poultry, eggs and dairy products, fruits and dried fruits, mushrooms and vegetables, honey, cereals and bran. Drink plain or mineral water, juices without sugar, herbal teas.

In the remaining days (3-4), go to the vegetarian food in the last - drink more water, add squeezed lemon juice and honey. Dry fasting begins after the last sip. For the first time limit to 24 hours of starvation. It will be easier if you start it in the evening, about 18 hours. It is desirable that this day fell on a weekend to the morning you can sleep. Rest is important, since the forces will be reduced. Do not be afraid of weakness, but do not suffer pain. When she appeared, immediately get out of hunger. However, the food is not immediately jump, hold recommendations recovery period.

If you have a bad headache, then the body is intoxicated. Get out of hunger and take a break for a few days, do not forget about proper nutrition. Put an enema in the evening prior to the re-starvation, and the next day try again.

Once you master the daily fasting, go to 36-hours. Then you have to spend without food and water for two nights and a day. If you work a full week, then you need to start on Friday to Sunday evening recuperate.

Recovery period

No matter how difficult may appear hours without food or liquid, while the outputs of hunger is even more difficult. Once the body gets precious sip, it ceases to recycle your old stocks and demands food. The most important thing is not broke, otherwise instead of the positive effect you get is negative.

Drink a sip warm lemon water with a little honey. A little later, a light boil fish or chicken broth. If the output of the famine came in the evening, then this and limit. The next morning, eat a little cheese or yogurt. It is advisable not to drink or eat anything that day of raw milk, fruits and vegetables, or run the risk of diarrhea. Eat mostly protein foods: sour cream, cottage cheese, mozzarella, cooked chicken (without skin) and fish, drink water and broth. On the second day add carbohydrates: bread, cereals, etc. On the third day return to a normal diet. But remember that the efforts have not gone to zero, do not abuse the greasy food, smoked, sweet, coffee and alcohol.

You will feel the taste became more vivid. In the future, with periodic fasting, you will distinguish shades. Organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increase absorption of nutrients. You will notice that began to consume fewer calories rapidly saturated and feel much more energetic.

Keep in mind that this treatment there are contraindications, not to mention the fact that, in any case, requires prior consultation of the doctor. You may not know all its internal problems and they manifest themselves during the procedure. With great care should carry it out to those who have gallstone disease, varicose veins, diabetes, gout, hepatitis, renal failure, anemia.

24-bit and 36-hour dry fasting is called brief and recommended to take place in the home. In more complex cases that require long-term treatment, it must be carried out in conjunction with additional purification procedures and a special clinic under medical supervision.

Tags: starvation