The scientific name of the plant means "golden sun" because the plant was nicknamed for his golden sunny color, but for the fact that the color does not change so long, popularly called immortelle. Interesting features and methods of use in this review Helichrysum women's magazine JustLady.
Everlasting - This is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. It blooms from June to August. The plant is very unpretentious, brings drought, grows on the sunny slopes of the mountains, on sandy soils, dry meadows, open groves, deposits in young pine forests, steppe and forest-steppe zones, on the sands. The plant is widespread in Eastern Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the European part of Russia.
Everlasting widely used for medical purposes. To do this, collect the flower baskets, cutting off their brooms or cut in one piece. Collect plants need before you begin to blossom baskets. If this period is missed and collect already blossomed and began to rain or vice versa, immature flowers, the raw material is not suitable for medicinal purposes. When gathering with immortelle should be treated very carefully so as not to pull the plant directly from the root, because he kept dry soil loosely. Collectedeverlasting can be dried in ventilated attics, under a canopy, but you can in the dryer. Just make sure that the temperature did not exceed 40 ° C. The aroma of dried flowers in a barely perceptible taste - spicy and bitter. Raw cotton can be stored in sealed bags or boxes. Stored dried flowers no more than three years. It is very interesting to observe that, even in the dried plant for several years did not alter its natural color. And really -everlasting.
Everlasting: used in folk medicine
In Helichrysum contains many nutrients that make it a particularly prized in traditional medicine: flavonoids, essential oils, fatty acids, sugars, saponins, carotene, tannins, ascorbic acid, potassium, sodium, manganese, iron, and vitamin K.
Everlasting is used as a folk medicine for stomach, liver, colds, from herpes, cough, bites of rabid dogs. Powder of this plant since ancient times to treat wounds. In addition, everlasting - it is antimolevoe means it can be put in the closet, and the clothes will be protected from moths.
Everlasting: application in modern medicine
The plant is used in the treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, as cholagogue. Everlasting relieves pain in the liver, reduces nausea, helps stop vomiting. It is recommended for inflammation of the bladder, kidney, stones in the gallbladder. Helichrysum use as a decoction, tincture, extract.
Helichrysum Flowers - Proven folk remedy, useful for kidney, stomach, intestines and liver. And found that they have a choleretic effect, and promote increased secretion of gastric and pancreatic cancer, gallbladder increased tone.
Traditional medicine recommends medicine immortelle with chronic gastritis anatsidnyh. To do this, a mixture of Helichrysum, yarrow, peppermint, corn stigmas, plantain, nettle and two parts of St. John's wort and camomile. One tablespoon of the mixture boil like tea. In the form of heat to drink before meals 3 times a day for half a cup.
Helichrysum Flowers can be used as a cholagogue in the form of decoction. Preparing the broth as follows: 3 tbsp. spoon flowers immortelle, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and heat on a water bath. Then the broth cool, strain and squeeze the feed. Top up with boiled water to 200 ml. Journal JustLady reminds you that broths are not stored in the refrigerator for more than two days. Decoction of flowers Helichrysum drink in the form of heat for 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.
There is another cholagogic collection: 4 parts sand flowers cumin, 3 parts trefoil (leaves), 2 parts peppermint (leaves), 2 pieces of fruit coriander. The mixture (1 tablespoon), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Infusion taken 3 times a day before meals for half a glass.
The infusion is prepared for this recipe: shredded flowers immortelle (2 tablespoons) pour 500 ml of cold water and leave for 8 hours. The resulting infusion drink in small portions throughout the day.
Helichrysum Flowers Photo
People everlasting love. And because of its durability, and because its sunny color icy winter reminds summer days, and, most importantly, for the fact that he is a good healer. By lemon-yellow flower-baskets are very easy to learnHelichrysum flowers photo, On the Internet a lot of them, so you can not go wrong when building.
Helichrysum Flowers: contraindications
Using the treatment of immortelle flowers contraindications not ignore. Despite the fact that the everlasting low toxicity, it is necessary to comply with the dosage. Moreover, due to the prolonged use infusions and decoctions Helichrysum stagnation can occur in the liver. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for more than three months.
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady