Cabbage is rich in almost all the necessary vitamins the body. Among them, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin U, and ascorbic acid.
Vitamin A supports healthy vision, improves skin and hair, increases the body's defenses. B vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system and are involved in cellular respiration. Vitamin K promotes the absorption of calcium and maintains the health of the kidneys. A vitamin U possesses anti-ulcer effect. It not only prevents the occurrence of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, but is also able to cure this disease.
But the most valuable component of vitamin cabbage is ascorbigen - a type of ascorbic acid. This form of vitamin C is the most stable: the storage of cabbage ascorbigen retains its properties over a year.
Contains cabbage and minerals: potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iron, copper, iodine, magnesium. Potassium helps to eliminate excess fluid, beneficial effects on the heart and strengthens the muscles, calcium and phosphorus needed for bone formation, iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, iodine supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, manganese normalizes metabolism, and copper and magnesium improve the functioning of the nervous system .
In addition, the cabbage is present tertronovaya acid, slows down the process of turning carbohydrates into fat. Together with the low calorie cabbage is useful property makes it a good product for people who want to lose weight. The more so because, despite the low energy value, cabbage dishes perfectly satisfy hunger. Unfortunately, tertronovaya acid is destroyed by heat treatment, so in order to lose weight cabbage is better to use either in raw or pickled form.
But these benefits are not limited to cabbage. This valuable vegetable also contains 16 amino acids and enzymes (lactose, lipase, protease, etc.), Volatile (natural antibiotics) and cellulose.
Thus, fresh cabbage is most useful to use in food for people suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (not only in the acute phase), diseases of the liver and gall bladder, dysbiosis, overweight and cardiovascular disease.
Has exclusive use of and cabbage juice. It is recommended to use an exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis, as fresh cabbage in this case too annoying stomach. Cabbage juice should you drink an hour before a meal in the amount of 1-2 glasses. Besides cabbage juice can wipe the face (for anti-aging and whitening effect) or to use as an external agent for the treatment of traumatic and ulcerative lesions of the skin.