Under the heading Trends: wedding fashion 2009
Come closer, move away
It is known that for thirty years about 25% of the population begin to experience various problems and changes in the quality of vision. At forty, this figure increases by 15%. For almost fifty all needglasses. Or lenses, We're still undecided.
Why do people become less visible? Blame heredity, unbalanced diet, poor primarily vitamin A, as well as the specifics of the computer age - most of the day we spend almost all looking at some screen with a certain constant distance. And the eyes, do not get enough exercise, slowly begins to "lazy" to do their job poorly. Or just tired. Or becoming a victim of violations of complex neurological and neural processes.
The most frequently occurring before the age of thirty acquired disorder -myopia. When her image projected far ahead of the retina, causing the eye to see what is "under the nose", approximating an unusual angle. Short-sighted person perfectly distinguish objects near, but are not able to discern the future. Often severe myopia becomes the result of his student years, full of midnight reading.
After forty years of accommodation (eye's ability to "jump" to different distances) deteriorates, the lens loses its elasticity, and the optical system starts to project the image of distant objects on the retina does not, and behind her. This causes farsightedness, which is not a disease, and the standard age-related changes of the eye.
Astigmatism - defect structure of the lens or cornea (typically formed in the first years of life) in which the projected image does not converge at a single point. Astigmatiki see objects distorted, fuzzy. Distributed by the combination of astigmatism with myopia or hyperopia.
Glasses or lenses - It's not just a matter of taste. Each means of vision correction has its advantages and disadvantages, in addition, the choice is directly related to a specific violation of the vision of objects.
Contact lenses - A modern invention. They fix the problem where it exists - in the eye, do not press on the nose, do not limit the field of view and are practically invisible (unless you choose fashion lenses with a pattern or crazy colors). Experts believe that the lenses can be worn at all, the main thing - to pay attention to the selection of an appropriate option from the diversity represented on the market today. However, ophthalmologists recognize the existence of hypersensitivity century. People suffering them have difficulty putting lenses, and in some cases and can not make friends with them, ever since they persistently spasm interlock when attempting to place the lens on the surface of the eyeball.
Especially lenses provide opportunities for people with serious disorders of the eye - from six diopters of plus or minus. Points may not always correct such a serious problem and, moreover, gives much less freedom - slight heating high correcting ability are quite expensive, and affordable price entails an increase in thickness and, accordingly, the weight of glass. In addition to this with strong myopia eye glasses look very small, and in farsightedness - the country is large. Without parting with glasses, low vision carrier is forced to experience all their cons - reaction to weather conditions (fogging, divorce and drops of rain), the risk of damage to glass or frames and remain vulnerable to bad perceived world, tired eyes and nose, poor peripheral vision.
However, unfortunately, the lens is not as simple as they would have liked to consumers. Superpopulyarnymisoft lenses (Cheaper and simpler to manufacture and selection) are fraught with dangerous potential: they almost do not miss oxygen, which leads to drying of the cornea and unnoticed by the media worsens the condition of the eye, often leading to their illnesses. The exception is the silicone hydrogel soft lenses, ensure the normal access of oxygen to the eye.
Solid (gas permeable) lenses difficult to find - this process requires exceptional skill of the doctor. However, solid lens objectively better soft on a number of indicators, including visual acuity, strength, resistance to the formation of plaque. Service gas permeable lenses requires a serious investment, but they are especially qualitatively correct the severe astigmatism.
Orthokeratology lens - A relatively new product for Russia. They are worn at night and sleep during the "charge" the eyes so that this exercise is enough for a full day of normal life.
For a definite minus lenses include the need for careful service and the inability to quickly remove and put on (although over time the carriers of lenses achieve amazing results in speed), and the requirement of exceptional hygiene, which can be difficult to implement (for example, on the way).
Decoration is not for everyone
If your visual disturbances slightly (up to three diopters), and you need a keen eye only under certain conditions - for example, when driving or reading, the best choice would beglassesWhich can be easily removed and put on in any situation. A distinct advantage in the points that it is a means to create an individual style, a valuable accessory. Men are often attracted to women wearing glasses, and some ladies even wear glasses with simple glass - to create a spicy image. Ordering glasses, should pay special attention to the quality of diagnosis, since the wrong definition diopters possible migraine, nausea, dizziness.
Production of spectacle frames - multi-billion dollar industry, which involves and remote Chinese province, and elegant design houses. In this area has its own fashion, their top list of materials and shapes. Fans of points are rarely confined to one pair - they often have in their "optical wardrobe" at least the rim, suitable for everyday wear, and extravagant spectacles for special occasions. Today, at the peak of popularity of "glasses nerds": massive monochrome or horn-rimmed glasses in retro style. Always up to date "office glasses"Black plastsmassovoy frame or a thin gold or titanium. Superlight glasses on an elegant frame that supports the glass top only, no discomfort even after prolonged wear. Photosensitive glasses that darken in the amplification of brightness, protect the eyes from the harmful effects of the sun better.
But perhaps the most simple and correct answer to the question "glasses or lenses"Will" obzavedites and so, and others. " This will allow full use of the advantages of both popular ways to correct vision and avoid the agony of choice.
Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady