Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is involved in the development of immune and circulatory systems. It provides for the synthesis of carbon iron-containing protein in blood pigment - hemoglobin, and is indispensable in the formation of red blood cells. With his participation synthesized nucleic acids containing hereditary code. Vitamin B9 promotes growth, repair and regeneration of cells of the whole organism. It is responsible for a good appetite, because stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the form of food. Folic acid is able to lift the mood, improve amino acid metabolism. With it reproduced the nerve agent: serotonin, which provides a healthy sleep, and norepinephrine, which gives excitement. Vitamin B9 is required for normal brain and nervous system, liver and the gastrointestinal tract, for healthy skin and hair.
The main symptoms of a lack of vitamin B9 - anemia, bad mood, depression, headache, insomnia, loss of memory and attention, poor digestion, sore tongue, premature graying of hair, a disorder of the bowel, weight loss.
Vitamin B9 refers to the unstable water-soluble vitamins. He quickly destroyed when exposed to light, heat, and long-term storage. And also rapidly excreted from the body. That is why there is often a shortage. Stocks of folic acid is running out at the excessive use of strong tea, and while taking birth control for women.
The main source of vitamin B9 - bread from wheat flour, oatmeal, buckwheat, fresh fruits, vegetables, strawberries, soybeans, lettuce, dill, spinach, asparagus, egg yolks, brewer's yeast, liver. Unfortunately, the content of folic acid in the diet does not always provide the daily requirement, so it is useful for preventing further receive cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, depression, stroke, cancer, arthritis, colitis, dementia. Higher doses of folic acid is necessary to drink for different types of anemia, leukopenia, chronic gastroenteritis, intestinal tuberculosis during pregnancy.
For the normal uptake of folic acid, it is necessary to simultaneously take vitamin B12.