Down with beriberi! The main rules nutrition spring

Down with beriberi! The main rules nutrition spring
 The sun in the sky, the snow is almost completely melted, fun rings drops, warm breeze gently pushes her hair ... But for our body spring - it's not only fun, but also a period of exhaustion and lack of vitamins. Beriberi - this is not a disease, which should be forgotten - he certainly needs treatment. Women's magazine JustLady on how to fight this disease.

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In winter, we, of course, buy and eat fruits and vegetables, but they tend to hit us on the table for a long time, transported, stored, handled by special means for longer storage, during which lost most of their useful properties, along with vitamins and trace elements.

Canned meals, refined and processed foods also adversely affect its beneficial properties. Who of us unfamiliar with brittle nails, split, dull and falling hair, scaly dry skin? This - the first signs of vitamin deficiency.

In more severe cases, a lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as arrhythmia, seizures, aggravation of chronic diseases.

For children, a lack of vitamin D, which is produced in the body by the action of sunlight, so rare in the autumn-winter period, can lead to rickets, which threatens the deformation of bones.

So, try to figure out how can manifest lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body and with what products they can be replenished.

Vitamin A deficiency

- Day-blindness (night, or "chicken", blindness)

- Xerophthalmia (dryness of the conjunctiva)

- Keratomalacia (corneal ulceration), hyperkeratosis (dryness, peeling and pale skin, actinic hair follicles, atrophy of the sweat and sebaceous glands)

- Pustular skin diseases, infections of the respiratory system, urinary, digestive tract

- Malaise

- Weakness; in children - a delay of growth and development, neurological disorders

-Vitamin A is found in butter, egg yolk, liver (especially fish and marine animals), carrots.

Provitamin A (carotene) - this is the stuff of which the human body synthesizes vitamin A. It is found in carrots, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, wild rose, green onions, parsley, sorrel.

Lack of vitamin B

- Irritability or lethargy

- Insomnia

- Polyneuritis upper and lower extremities

- Paresthesia (violation of the sensitivity of the skin)

- Dyspepsia

- Loss of appetite, anorexia

- Stomatitis, glossitis (tongue bright red, dry)

- Dermatitis of the face, scalp, neck, dry itchy dermatitis on the hands

- Hypochromic anemia

- Weight Loss

- Weakness

- Headache

- Night blindness

- Burning sensation of the skin

- Pain in the eyes, the appearance of conjunctivitis

- Shortness of breath and palpitation on exertion

It contained in many foods of plant and animal origin,the maximum content indicated in yeast, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sprouts cereal, Whole grains, whole grain bread, beans, kidney, liver, beef and egg yolk.

-especially Actively consumed vitamin treatment with antibiotics and anti-TB drugs.

Lack of vitamin C

- General weakness

- Increased capillary fragility with bruising, bleeding from the gums, hemorrhagic effusions in the joints and the pleura

- Degenerative changes of the mucous membranes

- Reduction of

-Contained he grapefruit, lemon, rose hips, many berries and fruits, cabbage (In t. H., And sauerkraut) - but only if the products were not subjected to heat treatment.

Lack of vitamin D

- In children - rickets

- Unmotivated weakness

- Fatigue

- Demineralization of teeth with rapid progression

- Osteoporosis

- Bone pain, muscle

- Paresthesia (violation of the sensitivity of the skin)

- Increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension and cancer

-As Already stated above, vitamin D is produced in the most part by the action of sunlight. Still, insmall amounts and it is contained in foods - butter, milk, egg yolk, liver and adipose tissue of cod and certain fish and other marine animals.

Lack of vitamin E

- Infertility

- Steatosis (fatty liver)

-Contains vitamin E in the sprouted grain cereals, green vegetables and some parts of wild plants, sunflower oil.

It is important for the absorption of normal levels of zinc (found in eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, organ meats, oysters, mushrooms and pumpkin) and selenium (contain his coconut, bacon, garlic, sea fish, mushrooms, eggs, sunflower seeds, lentils, wholemeal grinding and offal). But the sweet and flour interfere with its absorption of the body.

Lack of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - pellagra

- Loss of appetite

- Dryness and burning in the mouth

- Vomiting

- Diarrhea, alternating with constipation

- General progressive weakness

- The language of bright red, swollen painful ulcerations, and later - lacquer

- There Akhil (lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach)

- General irritability

- In severe cases, there are convulsions, ataxia, sometimes progressing to dementia

- Erythema (redness), accompanied by pruritus, hyperpigmentation (mainly in open areas of the body and limbs), peeling of the skin

- Hypoproteinemia (reduction of protein in the blood)

Prevention for the elderly should be carried out not only diet but also taking preventive courses of tablets or injections under the supervision of the attending physician.

-Contains nicotinic acid in brewer and baker's yeast and dried ceps and bread from wheat flour, cereals, liver, heart, kidney, meat, legumes, fish.

Lack of vitamin K


- Bad zazhivlyaemost wounds

Extremely rare - most often in people with poblema production and release of bile. Vitamin K rich cabbage and cauliflower, tomatoes, pumpkin, pork liver. Quite a lot of it in carrots, beets, potatoes, beans, wheat and oats.

How to deal with a vitamin deficiency?

Prevention of beriberi is the intake of vitamin complexes. Separately, we note that the vitamins should be taken at least three times a day - they are not postponed "in reserve" (except for vitamins A, D, E, K), and from the morning portion of the body of vitamin preparations take only that dose, which is necessary for this point in time - all the surplus would be displayed in the urine, and the need for vitamins will occur earlier in the day and evening.

Do not take vitamins chemical uncontrollably: excess vitamin is as bad as his fault. For example: an excess of vitamin D leads to leaching of calcium from the bones, vitamin E have a negative effect on the liver, excess vitamin A leads to poisoning, vitamin C and can irritate the stomach with a long reception lead to ulcers.

But vitamins in capsules, tablets or medicines - are chemical products, so they are absorbed into our body is much slower and worse than "live" vitamins contained in fresh fruits and vegetables.

What foods are most useful in the spring?

It germinated cereal grains, vegetables and fruits without heat treatment, the liver of the fish. A lot of vitamins and minerals contained in dandelions, nettles, leaves, cucumber, burdock - they can not only be used in food in the summer, but also to salt or dry harvesting natural vitamins for the winter.

During heat treatment of food stored only vitamins A, D and E - all others are destroyed. Exception - raspberries: its beneficial properties are preserved by heat treatment, and a lot of them.

Separately want to mention vitamins, which are shown to people who are overweight: vitamins B, PP and C accelerate metabolism and promote weight loss.

I would like to wish all readers a bright spring. Always remember that our health is 70% dependent on diet and lifestyle!

Alla Grigorieva,

Tags: lens, power, spring, beriberi