One of the secrets of beneficial effects on the body of flax seed oil, which is obtained by cold pressing are contained therein essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which only comes with a variety of food, but the largest concentration is in this oil. In addition, linseed oil, and contains saturated fatty acids, and vitamins E, A, F, K, B.
Regular inclusion of oils in the diet contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and has many therapeutic and prophylactic properties (in particular, improves immunity). For instance, it improves the elasticity of blood vessels and reduction of blood cholesterol levels, which considerably reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and thrombus formation.
Improves flax seed oil and the digestive system and liver. Since this is a dietary oil, it is advised to replace animal fats for people with disorders of fat metabolism. Besides its use is recommended for vegetarians.
Very useful linseed oil for the female body, as his daily use helps to normalize hormonal balance, so that women are significantly reduced premenstrual syndrome, and improves health during menopause. This oil is indispensable and during pregnancy, as it has a beneficial effect in the formation of the baby's brain, but also makes it easier for pregnancy and childbirth.
Due to the fact that it contains many vitamins, and it has antibacterial, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties, this oil is actively used in cosmetics, such as in the manufacture of masks for the face and hair.