People sign an incredible array, and they relate to various spheres of human life: life, weather, animals, family relationships, children, harvest and many, many other areas.
Especially a lot of will and customs relate to everyday terms. Understand their origin is easy, because they reflect the simple rules of preservation of life and human health. So, is considered bad luck to eat with a knife, in this case, people will be angry for no reason. But come to think rationally, to eat with a knife in the first place, it is dangerous because you can cut the tongue and lips. However, historians have established that came to us this sign yet of the ancient Slavs. The knife was considered a very strong magic weapon, he attributed the stronger and more dangerous properties. Whether you believe in this omen or not, but there is a knife is dangerous, this is not challenged.
Many popular superstitions relate to the field of meteorology, that is, predicting the weather. Our ancestors did not know the laws of physics and astronomy, but were able to determine the weather for the signs and the signs of nature. Thus, it is believed that if the sky at sunset is red, the next day will be windy and cold. And if in the rain on the surface of the water bubbles appear, then the rain will be long and will end any time soon. Explain many of the signs of the weather, meteorologists can not yet, but they work, and people can determine weather the signs. None weatherman can not predict the weather more accurately than good old-fashioned luck.
Animals and birds in antiquity attributed magical properties, they are considered representative of bright or dark forces. For example, it is believed that if a cat washes hard, then come visit. Some animals can carry and bad news. It is believed that if a bird knocks at the window, the house comes trouble. While much depended on whether it is a bird. Swallows and tits carried the good news, and if knocked birds appeared swallows or tits, no evil feared. And about a black cat crossing the road, they know even small children.
Will and customs in the world set in every nation they own, even in each family believe in those or other signs, while others do not know or believe nonsense. It is noticed that, no matter how strange it may seem, are only those signs, in which people believe.
Today, many scientists tend to believe that the belief in some kind of omen, people programs themselves to certain events, and they occur precisely because people believe in them, not because they had to happen at all. It turns out that to believe in the good things are useful in this life you attract good luck and happiness. But in bad omens better not to believe, considering them as nonsense uneducated ancestors. In this case, life would be easier and happier, and even with black cats can be friends.