Simple ideas for party

Simple ideas for party
 If you like to relax in the noisy company, then sooner or later there is a desire to organize their own party outside the night club or cafe. Immediately the question arises - how to conduct such an event so that everyone does not slipped into regular gatherings?
 In fact, it suffices to find a simple, but a good idea for a party, and it will remain for small. Your event you can spend in the walls of your home or apartment, rent a cottage or go on nature - it all depends on your choice of topics for future parties.

Costume party

It can be anything you like! Arrange for friends retro party with hits 90s. To implement this idea would require the hits of the time, but from friends - costumes.

But for someone retro party can seem boring. Then organize a costume party after the "Soyuzmultfilm" of Soviet cinema, American blockbusters or dedicated to your favorite movies. For example, "Avatar," "Puss in Boots" and so on. You can arrange the best costume contest, to come up with riddles on the theme parties, play a few scenes or ask your friends to join together in small groups and come up with a small script for 10-15 minutes.

Theme party

As a rule, these activities requires serious preparation in the form of scenario planning, the organization of the night, thinking through the details. Theme parties are more suitable for people who are addicted to something. For example, motorcycles, surfing, fishing, programming, embroidery.

Party original dishes

You give a theme to its guests. For example, cook a tasty dinosaur to the table in honor of the coming year. Now the task of every guest - to come to the event with his dish.

Similarly, you can organize a party sweets, national dishes, etc. Here imagination is boundless. Remember that the party with the demonstration of culinary abilities guests do not have to be boring. Think of culinary competitions, quizzes, questionnaires, tell us about the interesting facts from the world of cooking.

Based on movies horror

For her organization, you will need perseverance. Take a basis for the plot of the movie, remember most of the friends. Can go to the pre-cinema to see the film you choose. And then act according to the scenario. For example, send this to a friend cryptic invitation to a party. Let them guessed venue, find it, and then you will come to expect from their new surprises based on the beloved "horror". Do all it can be quite simple. And so many emotions get friends!

Tags: party organization, the idea of ​​holding