Important role in the formation of well-being plays a healthy diet. Do not abuse the greasy, fried food, junk food, sodas. Naturally, alcohol should be excluded. Be sure to include in your diet of fruits, vegetables, grains. It is useful to have fish, seafood, lean meat (chicken, beef, turkey). Well, if every day you will eat at a fixed time.
The third component of a healthy lifestyle - physical education classes. Sedentary lifestyle provokes many health problems: metabolic disorders, obesity, etc. Choose a sport that you like (preferably combining several different species). Run, swim, skate, dance - just do not sit on the ground.
Perform special exercises for different muscle groups: neck, back, chest, arms, legs, buttocks, thighs. Mix and match between a variety of exercises. Stretch often, because this alone tones your body. Allow yourself to sweet yawn. You've probably noticed that after a good yawn feel more cheerful?
Learn to relax. DC voltage does not lead to anything good, so periodically throughout the day allow yourself to lie down, relax, close your eyes. Listen to good music, watching interesting movies.
Make a schedule. Plan your day so that it was time for sleep and exercise, and rest. Keep in mind when scheduling the fact that physical activity must be no earlier than 1, 5 hours after a meal.