First, lay the fabric with the dried pattern on a thin cotton cloth or a roll of wallpaper. It is also possible to use paper. The distance between the individual pieces of fabric should be at least 5 cm to when minimized, they do not accidentally touched. Gently fold into a roll, the fabric should be inside. The roll must not be too tight. Fold it in half and secure the edges with tape, then tie a rope. Pour water on the bottom of the cooker height of 2 cm, set a special tripod and it lay a bundle. Make sure that the package itself and the rope ends do not touch the water.
Take a piece of foil and place it in the form of small-sized saucepan. Cover this homemade dome package. Foil to protect it from the condensate, which will meet on the cover of a double boiler. Close the pressure cooker, quickly bring to a boil, then reduce the heat.
Zaparivatsya on low heat with a little pressure for 20 minutes. If the pressure starts to fall slightly increase the heat and add the exposure time. After that, remove the double boiler from heat and let cool. Now you can open the lid and remove the package.
Bundle deploy until it is slightly warm. It will be easier to pull out the paper that can adhere to tissue.
If identifiable sections of tissue paper stuck together, gently tear off her near the tissue itself, leaving adherent pieces. After that, dip a cloth into the soapy water and rinse it gently. Water will provide an opportunity to remove the paper, without damaging the image.
Allow to cool completely fixed tissue, and then each piece extends into the warm water and gentle detergent. So you completely remove the water-soluble circuit, as well as the excess dye and salt supplements.
Since the silk fibers are able to absorb only a certain amount of dye, then any excess is easily washed away in the washing solution. So do not be surprised if the color pattern changes slightly. And not to be formed stains, fabric, do not leave in the water without moving, gently slide in the basin. Squeeze out excess water, let dry slightly and iron iron until dry.