How to choose a mountain skis and boots for skiing

How to choose a mountain skis and boots for skiing
 Skiing - it is one of the best types of winter recreation. Skiing combines physical activity, walking outdoors. Particularly valuable opportunity to go skiing - no wonder this kind of physical activity prefer the richest people in the world. But before it is necessary to choose the right outfit.  
 For skiing in the mountains, you will need special equipment, including skis. Skiing form quite different from the plain - they have much better to slide, which have a slightly rounded edge. Also attached to this ski boots special form. Unlike short boots for cross-country skiing, mountain differ in that they are made of special plastic and is quite high - reaching mid-calf. It is important to remember that in the mountains it is better not to use the equipment plains - it can be uncomfortable and even dangerous.

To purchase skis and boots come in a special shop. It is desirable in this case to try on shoes to wear those tights or socks, which you are going to ride - so you can more accurately choose the size.

In the skiing thing - it is right to choose the length. They should be five to ten inches below your height. There are also specific species of alpine skiing, for example, for slalom. If you are just starting to learn to ride, choose a universal model, suitable for all conditions.

Skiing also vary depending on the hardness. For beginners it is best not to take too rigid model - it is more difficult to manage.

Also, when buying, check with the seller, what ointment is suitable for use with your skis and get it.

The choice of shoes is easier than choosing skis. This model sports shoes quite similar. But it is important to choose the right size to your riding comfortable. Try on shoes in your size. They have to sit tight on the leg does not move, but not too pinched caviar. To do this, in many models is adjustable shaft width. Keep in mind that even in a suitable size ski boots, you will be uncomfortable at first because of its rigidity. But when you stand on skis, it is this form of shoes will allow you to stay at a distance.

Tags: ski, shoes, sport, equipment