How to make your back flexible

How to make your back flexible
 Nothing spoils a woman, as a hunched back. Stoop is always combined with the loss of flexibility and muscle weakness. It is not surprising, because the stoop - a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. Making the spine flexible, your shoulders straightened themselves, will be back straight, and royal posture.
 Monotonous and sedentary work leads to the fact that the back like zakostenevaet in an uncomfortable position. In this case, the intervertebral discs are sealed and gradually loses the ability to easily spine to bend. Try to touch your chin chest. If you hear the crunch, felt uncomfortable, so the flexibility of the spine is already broken.

First of all, get around the horizontal bar or any stable structure on which you can hang on your hands. If you can not find anything similar, set the bar at home. Daily hang on hand for as long as your fingers will survive. Do not strain your muscles hang freely. You should feel like pulling your body under its own weight. Do not rush this week to fix what you are spoiled for years. The main thing - it regularly and a gradual increase in load.

Then hang on the bar add exercises to stretch the back muscles. Together with them, and will stretch the spine, gradually returning to its former flexibility.

Get on all fours. Reliance on hands and knees. Slowly pull your chin to your chest and arches her back up. Drag smoothly, as if to pull the ceiling vertebra by vertebra. Then, just as slowly lower back down, cave in the back, head and gently zaprokinte.

Lie on your stomach. Legs pull. Gently lift your shoulders and chest as high as possible, leaning on hands. The palms should be directly under the shoulder joints. At the highest point of pause for 10-15 seconds and try to lift the hips. Gently lower back. Do not try to stay in this position for too long - too high load on the cervical spine.

Lie on your back on a gym mat. Tighten both knees to your chest. Hip clasp hands and move them as close to the chest to the buttocks off the floor. Do not squeeze your knees. If you do not have problems with the lumbar spine, try to reach the chin to the knees. Hold this position and do some rolling, stretching the entire back.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart place. Slowly lean forward and grasp hands behind the back of the ankle. Pull the body to the hips, try to touch his forehead knee. This exercise not only increases the flexibility of the spine, but also good stretches hamstrings. Therefore follow it after a little jogging or after a warm shower.

In general, any work aimed at increasing flexibility can only be done when the muscles and ligaments warmed up.

To increase the flexibility of the spine, increase the amount in the diet of foods containing B vitamins and calcium. This cottage cheese, cheese, liver, brown bread, potatoes, vegetables, nuts, sea fish, algae, seaweed, crab meat. Very helpful jelly and jelly, prepared on the basis of the broth boiled bones.

Tags: disk, stretching, exercise, spine