Exercises to stretch the legs: the top 5 for practicing at home

Exercises to stretch the legs: the top 5 for practicing at home
 Purpose stretch - increased muscle and subsequent preservation of their length, joint training to work, warming ligaments, tendon lengthening. Stretching will help give the body flexibility, improve circulation, reduce stress on the nervous system, prevent muscle imbalances and related postural problems, improve agility and coordination, both during active sports and leisure facilities, as well as in everyday life.
 To be most effective stretching prior to its implementation should be well warmed up. Cardio affects not only the heart but also on the whole body. Blood begins to circulate through the vessels intense warming the limbs and body. Preheating allow to perform exercises with the required amplitude.
Doing stretching in a warm room in the late afternoon, when the body is more "supple". Performing exercises, do not forget to monitor the amount of load on the muscles and to monitor the situation legs, head, waist and shoulders.

A set of exercises for stretching the legs and groin

Stretching the hamstrings

Sit on the floor, straighten the left leg and the right bend in the knee. The sole of the right foot must touch lightly the inner surface of the left thigh. Make sure that the knee extended leg was not "trapped."

On the exhale, slowly bend to the foot outstretched legs. Lean until until you feel a light stretch. Keep the chin in the middle position, arms and shoulders relaxed. Hold in this position for 30-45 seconds. Breathe slowly. Repeat for the other leg.

Quadriceps straight leg during exercise should be relaxed. Feel it, it should be soft. Do not try to reach out to the tribe of the forehead, tilting his head. Foot outstretched legs are vertical.

Developing flexibility, guided by feelings, not by how much you can stretch out, because the extension - this is not a contest in flexibility.

Quadriceps Stretch

Sit on the floor. Bend your left leg so that her heel was on the outer side of the left thigh. The right leg of this should be bent at the knee, and her sole - located adjacent to the inner side of the left leg. Allowed to perform this exercise with outstretched in front of the right foot.

Left foot pull back, arching his ankle in the same direction. If this position is not convenient for you, move the foot slightly to the side, the pressure on the ankle is weakened.

Slowly lean back, until the feeling of light stretching. To maintain balance, place your hands on the floor. Breathe rhythmically and slowly held in this position for 30-40 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

During the exercise, do not remove the outside foot. Hold on to the lower leg straight. Do not allow the knee to rise from the floor.

Stretch the groin and legs

Sit on the floor, pinch feet together. Grasp the foot palms brought together. Gently lean forward until you feel a light stretch in the groin. When you angle tighten your abdominal muscles, do sigh. Stay in position stretch for 30-40 seconds. Do not bend the neck and shoulders, to avoid stress on the lower back. The slope has to go from the hips. Look ahead.

If it is difficult to bend forward, perhaps a foot too close up against the trunk. In this case, move them away from themselves.

Tags: foot home, stretching, exercise, exercise, exercise, top, flexibility training