Then do the exercise for the large muscles of the abdomen. From the prone position push up on his elbows and toes. Squeeze your buttocks and abdomen, so that your body is a flat surface. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then slowly lower to the floor.
Now continue with exercises for obliques. Sit with your arms perpendicular to the body lift, inhale. At the output of bringing together the right knee and left elbow. Repeat, changing the knee and elbow.
The following exercise - for the lower abdominal muscles. Sit on the edge of a chair, lean hands on the seat. Now slowly lift your knees, trying to reach their chest. Spin during the quest should remain straight. Fix this position for about 3 seconds. Return to starting position. Then repeat the entire complex again. At each exercise takes about 1 minute. So, you take away the extra inches to the waist in just 8 minutes a day.
In addition to these exercises have confirmed its effectiveness and others. For example, scatter matches, peas or other small items. Now go around the room and collect them. Back during the slopes remains straight. Pick up one item, straighten, then the next, etc. You make so many slopes, which will need to collect all the objects from the floor.
Then do the following exercise to strengthen abdominals. Lie on your back, bend your knees, hands behind head, connect, elbows apart. Now go up, arms and legs at the same time remain in the original position. Get down. Perform the exercise as many times as you can. The more you do it, the easier it will rise in the future, and will become the stronger abdominal muscles.