Doctor of Music - Paul McCartney

Doctor of Music - Paul McCartney
 From the "legendary four" now there are only two. Time takes its toll replaced by generations of fans. However, the famous "Beatle", Sir Paul McCartney, and is now ready to give odds musical youngsters.
 He was born in the midst of World War II, in 1942, in Liverpool, and a rebellious 60-m was already fully prepared. Undoubtedly, from the memories of the twentieth century, one of the first pop up group "The Beatles", and with it the name of the author of many of her hits. His full name - James Paul McCartney.

Subtle musical flair McCartney has developed partly because of his upbringing. His father was in the past also been a musician, besides, he has a son active and sociable. Its guitar appeared in his 14 years. Being left-handed, he reconfigured his instrument, and still holds the neck of the guitar in his right hand, and not vice versa, as is customary in the classic version. This originality is not prevented him from writing songs, now classics.

Among all fours "militant" leaders were John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Their pen and belongs to most of the songs "The Beatles". Despite the fact that all said double authorship "handwriting" McCartney quite easy to distinguish. Lennon - a rebel who loves to experiment with sound, "floating" harmony. Many of his songs sound as if slightly incomplete, but on several plates instead of the usual music he recorded various sounds of grinding saws to street noise. McCartney, on the other hand, soft and in his works based on classical harmony. That is why his songs as "catchy". In addition, they are easy to pass under the symphonic music. Perhaps, the number of cover versions of famous Yesterday and there are few competitors.

McCartney was able to find successful combinations of chords, composition moves. Songs written almost half a century ago, and now sound very modern, for example, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Sir Paul - not only a sensitive composer, but also a great arranger. In his songs he uses a variety of tools, which are rich in his solo albums. By recording LPs McCartney outsourced musicians. However, it can do without them, that showed the album McCartney II, which he recorded himself completely. Therefore it is difficult to dispute his right to wear the title of Doctor of Music, which Sir Paul was in 2008 at Yale University (USA). There he was recognized as a pioneer of rock and roll and rhythm and blues. University President Richard Levin said that McCartney with his music "awakened a whole generation."

McCartney Discography - more than 40 official albums (including recording concerts), some of them are written in the style of classical music. In 2011, he created the music for the ballet (album Ocean's Kingdom). In addition, Sir Paul has toured several times he came to Russia. At a concert in St. Petersburg, the audience felt a real drive older, but still alive and active legends of rock 'n' roll.

Tags: sex, music, style, Dr. McCartney