Creative people: Vyacheslav Zaitsev and his history of fashion

Creative people: Vyacheslav Zaitsev and his history of fashion
 The history of fashion Slava Zaitsev began half a century ago, when he graduated with honors from Moscow Textile Institute. Since then and to this day the name of this multi-faceted man is inextricably linked to the world of Russian fashion industry.
 Vyacheslav Zaitsev was born in the city of Ivanovo brides and weavers in 1938. His early childhood was in the time of war. Great influence on the young Vyacheslav had a mother who raised her son alone. Father, send the call to the front, back only 17 years later, survived the war, prison camp and life in exile. Despite the hardships, his mother was able to instill in future fashion designer flair for beauty and gave a special, subtle vision of the world.

At age 14, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, left school at the fine, he entered the College of Chemical Technology and received the profession of artist textile pattern. The choice of this specialty was quite natural for the natives of those places, such work is guaranteed stability and security in the future. The young man had a wonderful teacher. A lot of training time they spent with the students on the nature, to open their perfection of expression lines in the creation of images of fruits, buds and leaves. With a vivid imagination, young Zaitsev constantly tried to imagine how his drawings will look on the finished product.

Being a man observant Vyacheslav Zaitsev soon noticed that the beautiful clothes gives people confidence and improves mood. In Ivanovo had a lot of skilled workers sewing, which tried to establish itself each holiday beautiful dress. It was then that in the future founder of the Russian fashion was born the desire to learn to give people joy and beauty through the clothes. Find out where this is taught, he went to the capital.

In 1962 he graduated from the Moscow Textile Institute Vyacheslav Zaitsev was distributed to the city to work on Grandma's sewing factory artistic director. Even then, he has established himself as a bold fashion. He came up with a costume and showed them, often shocking teachers and fellow students. In the factory, he has created a collection of uniforms for workers. In this paper, Zaitsev used folk motifs and bright colors, completely changing the stereotypical image of women toilers.

The first collection was rejected by the factory management, however, came to the attention editorial board of the newspaper "Paris Match." Magazine published an article about Slava Zaitsev titled "It dictates fashion Moscow", which attracted the attention of the pillars of the global fashion brand Pierre Cardin and Boana. In 1965, they tracked down the designer, while he was working in Moscow at the All-Union building models at the Kuznetsk bridge. The outcome of their meeting was to introduce foreign masters with new collections and Zaitsev article "King of Fashion" in the edition of Woman Wear Daily, where he was named "equal among equals."

Vyacheslav Zaitsev continued to create new models. In the period of 1965-1968 years he published his famous "Russian series", the basis of which again were taken folk costumes. He received offers to participate in the creation of summary fashion houses collections of various countries, including the US, Canada, France, etc. However, to participate in shows designer personally can not because of the ban travel to capitalist countries, only removed in 1986. But even then the West Vyacheslav Zaitsev was perceived as a pioneer and leader of the Russian fashion industry.

After 13 years away from Vyacheslav Zaitsev-union house models and become the new artistic director of the Fashion House on Prospekt Mira, where in 1988 he was unanimously elected director. It was there that Zaitsev opens the country's first Fashion Theatre, where demonstrations of new collections are in the form of performances with the dramaturgical plan and musical accompaniment. Tours of the theater going on around the world.

Creativity Vyacheslav Zaitsev multifaceted. It not only works in the fashion world, writes and speaks about it, opens and teaches new talent. A significant part of his work is art and art photography. Wizard shows held around the world. His works Zaitsev seeks to instill a sense of beauty to people, to learn to feel the world and show attention to detail. The constant search for harmony of form and content, in his opinion, is the hallmark of modern man at this turn of civilization.

Tags: man, rabbit, story, designer, fashion designer