Sushi Diet

Sushi Diet
 Sushi - a reduced calorie, but at the same time very satisfying and healthy dish. It is rich in amino acids, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine and vitamins. To maintain normal weight, fasting day on land enough to hold yourself at least once a week.

Figure combined with seafood, seaweed and vegetables - is not only divinely tasty, but also useful. Sushi struggling with heart disease, improve skin, nails, hair, a positive effect on brain activity. Seafood abound in easily digestible protein, and rice in a lot of complex carbohydrates and fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion. In addition, rice is the sorbent, it is able to rid the body of toxins. Seaweed is rich in zinc, iodine, potassium, phosphorus. Vegetables complement this dish, activate the bowels. That is why the land - the perfect treat for a slim figure. They contain a minimum fat and maximum nutrients.

Adherents sushi diet are Steven Spielberg, Demi Moore, Nikolai Baskov, Robbie Williams. Its duration should not exceed seven days, since it is possible glut among agents and the lack of others. Would be better to practice fasting days on land. Is highly undesirable to use this Japanese dish on an empty stomach. Red varieties of fish that are part of the dishes are potent allergens. That is why people with allergies and those who have stomach problems, this weight loss method is contraindicated.

Sushi diet is varied. In just one meal can be enjoyed several varieties of sushi. They need to have a small portion with sticks. Since the stomach is filled slowly and saturation occur very early, which reduces the risk of overeating. For one day you can eat up to 20 rolls, in addition, in the daily diet is acceptable to include miso soup, sashimi, salads and green tea.

Morning should begin with a mug of freshly brewed green tea and then eat 3 roll. At lunchtime used the bulk of the daily value: 7 rolls. The remaining amount of land allocated between dinner and afternoon tea. Heals and lose weight with this Japanese dishes - a nice treat that anyone can afford.

Tags: diet, use, weight loss