Beauty Diet

 It turns out that small changes in diet can help solve many cosmetic problems. Here are a few examples.


Many women suffer from rosacea - mesh dilated capillaries. Make it paler and smaller, you can use a special diet. It must include the so-called unsaturated fatty acids. They are found in unrefined vegetable oil.

It also contains large amounts of vitamins A and E, which are necessary to nourish the skin. Therefore, every day should eat at least one tablespoon of vegetable oil. They can be refilled with any salad or sauerkraut.

The latter, incidentally, is very rich in vitamin K, which is also indispensable in rosacea. It is also important to include in the diet of vitamin E, called another routine. He strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves skin tone.

Most routine contained in wild berries - blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and cranberry. His lot in all citrus fruits, and in the first place is worth a lemon. It is better to eat together with the crust - that it contains the most vitamin P.

Council: use as a salad dressing mixture of vegetable oil and grated lemon peel. This will give your dishes spicy taste and help you cope with rosacea.


To minimize the increased flaking of the scalp, you need to enter into the diet of unsaturated fats and digestible proteins. Both are present in fish, so it must have at least 3-4 times a week.

And it is important to include in the diet as much as possible greens - parsley, celery, dill. They need to flavor and the first and second, and lettuce.

At last, it is desirable to add the tomatoes - they contain substances involved in the formation of special fibers. Their disadvantage, according to the latest scientific data, leads to dandruff. Eliminate it and help fresh tomatoes.

Council: try as often as possible in salads and soups fresh herbs. This will help not only to deal with dandruff, but also improve the complexion.

Scaly skin

Sometimes the skin peels off so much that the cream helps only for a while. In this case, be sure to adjust the power.

It is necessary to include as many foods containing B vitamins Most of them are contained in the black bread, cereals and beer. It is, of course, is not recommended to use every day, but a few bottles of intoxicating drink a week can drink.

A brewer's yeast is better not to abuse, since the product can cause a significant increase in body weight and imbalance vitamins entering the body.

Council: Try every day for breakfast or buckwheat porridge - it is useful not only for skin, but also for the figure.

Tags: beauty, diet