10 British diets

 The British newspaper The Daily Mirror published a list of 10 of the most popular diets. Evaluate their effectiveness volunteered leading nutritionist UK medical consultant of the national team in rugby Dr. Adam Carey.  

All diets Dr. Carey evaluated on a 10-point scale. It should be noted immediately that 10 points is not got none of the proposed systems of weight loss.


Promises: Discard a pound a week

Theory: From the company Slimfast diet is replaced food. Twice a day you eat special foods Slimfast - milkshakes, pastas, soups and bars. Allowed one bite. The third meal - a complete meal of low-fat products.

Pros: Ready dietary products are suitable for use and rich in minerals and vitamins.

Cons: You will go mad with desire to eat normally. This diet will help you maintain a normal form, because it does not teach nutrition.

Verdict Dr. Cary 5 out of 10. It's a fake. With the proper observance of you really lose a few pounds, but the basis of this diet - a food waste.

Beverly Hills diet

Promises: 4, 5 to 6 pounds in 35 days

Theory: Diet built around strict adherence to sequence meal. Certain foods can be eaten only in strict sequence at a specific time. It is necessary to consume a lot of fruit. Proteins in any case should not be mixed with carbohydrates. This prevents the accumulation of fat. The first 10 days have only the fruit. On the 11th day of the carbohydrates can be added, and 19 minutes - proteins.

Pros: This diet is good for those who do not like to count calories. At the initial stage of weight loss can be rapid.

Cons: No scientific basis for this diet does not. Lack of dietary protein and several vitamins can be dangerous. Among the side effects - diarrhea.

Verdict Dr. Carey: 2 out of 10. This pseudo-scientific diet. Dangerous and pointless.

Cabbage Soup Diet

Promises: Up to 4, 5 kg per week

Theory: The diet is based on consumption of different types of cabbage soup. In the soup, you can add lettuce, mushrooms or tomato juice. Sometimes allowed the use of potatoes, juice and beef. You can use an unlimited amount of liquids.

Pros: Very fast weight loss.

Cons: Hungry fainting, loss of concentration, dizziness. Dangerously low content of complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Verdict Dr. Cary 1 of 10. You lose no weight and muscle mass. You find yourself exhausted and disrupts the natural metabolism.

Hay Diet

Promises: 6, 5 kg per month.

Theory: Based diet - a ban on the simultaneous consumption of starch and proteins. Protein breakfast and lunch, rich in starch. Salad and vegetables to eat more than protein and starch. No milk and processed products.

Pros: Rapid weight loss. Do you eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Cons: Controversial concept combining products. In this system, lacking nutrients.

Verdict Dr. Carey: 0 out of 10. This is pure nonsense. The only reason why you lose weight - the restriction on the use of certain products.


Promises: 6, 5 kg for 5 weeks.

Theory: The diet is based on weekly meetings with the "leader" who determines what you can eat. In the "green" days you can eat pasta, rice, potatoes, beans and fruits. Sometimes it can be dried fish and meat. In the "red" days of food should be rich in proteins. There is also a list of food that can be eaten every day.

Pros: You will not starve.

Cons: The idea of ​​"green" and "red" days can be dangerous to your health.

Verdict Dr. Carey: 5 out of 10. There is no scientific basis in this diet is not. You follow the advice of silly and pointless.

Rosemary Conley Diet

Promises: Up to 1 kg per week.

Theory: You dramatically reduce the consumption of fat-containing foods and start eating a lot of vegetables. Strictly limited portions can eat potatoes, meat and dairy products. Three meals a day, and snacks are allowed. Required physical exercises.

Pros:No tedious counting calories and the ability to have an unlimited amount of certain products.

Cons: It is necessary to monitor the consumption of fat. Lack of fat in foods can seriously be perceived by the body.

Verdict: 8 out of 10. The traditional and quite sensible diet. It is good that it includes exercise.

Diet Weight Watchers

Promises: Up to 1 kg per week.

Theory: At weekly meetings, weigh and give you tips on nutrition. Each type of food - a certain number of points. Each participant receives a maximum of points, based on their weight, height and lifestyle. According to this system, it is possible to combine food as you want.

Pros: Lose weight in a group is always fun. You do not have to have a nasty substitutes.

Cons: You will lose weight slowly and for a long time.

Verdict Dr. Carey: 6 out of 10. The diet is entirely based on counting calories. It is long and tedious. Thrown so much weight you very quickly typed back.


Promises: About 1 kilogram per week.

Theory: The followers of this diet believe that different foods have different effects on the hormonal state of the body and the level of insulin in the body which is responsible for fat storage. The diet involves a high intake of protein and low carbohydrate intake. If you strike a balance between protein, fat and hydrocarbons, then you burn fat.

Pros: Rapid weight loss during the first two weeks. You can eat food with high protein content, such as steak.

Cons: Not only hydrocarbons - so little energy. Little fiber and vitamins.

Verdict Dr. Carey: 7 out of 10. A good diet, which limits the consumption of hydrocarbons.

The Atkins Diet

Promises: 6, 5 kg per month.

Theory: Limiting consumption of carbohydrates contained, for example, bread, potatoes, sugar, wheat, fruits and some vegetables. Instead, think of calories carbohydrates. Virtually unlimited consumption of fats and protein.

Pros: Rapid weight loss.

Cons: Limiting the intake of carbohydrates leads to fatigue, dehydration and dizziness. If you have heart disease, liver or diabetes, this diet - not for you.

Verdict Dr. Carey: 7 out of 10. Effective short-term diet for perfectly healthy people.
The Atkins Diet


Promises: Permanent weight loss without having to stick to a diet.

Theory: After two weeks of low-carb and high-protein diet can return to a normal diet. The founders of the diet believe that the body is able to remember such diet and rebuild your metabolism. Still have to be a little workout.

Pros: Quick results, especially for older women who do not like exercise.

Cons: If you do not follow the recommendations of the authors of the diet, it is possible to gain extra pounds.

Verdict Dr. Carey: 6 out of 10. Decent diet that combines elements of the Atkins diet with original techniques. However, the existence of health food companies Curves tempting to think that this is just a way to earn money.


Tags: diet, dietician